
EnglishTutorship 41 0

求一篇英语口语考试作文 ,急~~~,题目及要点如下,谢谢各位! 1OnCulture1WhatdoyouknowabouttheAmericansymbols?2Giveusatleast3symbolsofChineseculture 1 On Culture1 What do you know about the American symbols?2 Give us at least 3 symbols of Chinese culture 展开 #xE768 我来答 2;a happy event in your childhood ===a family event ===go for a picnic 这三个题目都可以互相串起来,a school you went to when you were young 小时候的学校your favorite subject 不要说大学的pe a science lesson you learned说数学,物理说你很擅长的话或者说你学不懂something you bought。


先在这里分享一节免费的在线英语口语体验课,是那种外教在线一对一的模式,跟着外教学口语效果才是最好的点击这里免费领取免费领悟外教试试听课,可以去试听感受下,看看外教怎么说口语,是否适合自己,找个专业的外教学口语,好过自己的在瞎琢磨要好的快而一般英语口语考试题目主要分为四大模块;高考口语考试的主要内容及解释 明确答案高考口语考试主要考察考生的英语口语表达能力详细解释1 基础口语能力 高考口语考试的首要内容是测试考生的基础口语能力,包括发音语调语速等考生需要能够准确地发音,表达清晰,没有明显的口音问题2 理解和交流能力 考试中会涉及日常对话和场景模拟,要求。

We have over the past few years you can graduate from college after a twoway choice of a large number of people are the big cities to Chung, then create a small city in particular, a lack of talent, it is precisely because of this lack of talent, then work it to the;1it is 2In my life, It is a indelible memory with knowledge, hopes, 4Both are my hobby English is a basic communication language both in business and life, and sport is welcome with passions and a health life everyday with local English。

英语口语, 有题目的 150 题目1白天学习晚上工作好还是晚上学习白天工作好题目2Themostmemorableandimportanteventofyouhappenedinschool题目3Whichdoyoupreferspendingtimewithfriendsinrestaurantorath 题目1白天学习晚上工作好还是晚上学习白天工作好题目2 The most memorable and important event of you;C2 学生用2008年中考英语口语考试模拟试题 注意事项一教师用卷中所提供的答案仅为参考答案做第二大题时学生可根据实际情况用不同的方式回答做第三第四大题时,学生可根据所给提示或内容要点用不同的方式表达二第三大题情景对话由电脑提问开始一朗读短文 用正确的语音语调。



1 Tim, what made you so excited? Don#39t you heard about that? Our country was just selected as the host of the Olympics last night! Really? That#39s great! But why you#39re exhilarating about it? Because it#39ll bring a lot of good effects You see, first, it will。

写了好长时间都是我自己亲手写的哦~~Friendship AWell,we#39ve met again!BYeah,Happy New Year!AThe same to youHow are going these days?BVery nice,and you?ACan#39t be better!SmileBRemember when we met for the first time?ASure!We got the same book from the。



School is a place for everyone to study, and I, as a student have to go to school everydayMy school is huge and has big playgrounds, and I love playing there, because it gives me a feeling of freedom and the surrounding helps me relax after class I have 8 lessons a。


1、1 Oral english class is my first choice because we freshmen lack practicing our spoken english in our daily lifeAnd oral english class would get us together and inspire us to open our heart to othersIn order to encourage more students to participate in the class,our teachers。



3、英语口语考试是一种测试英语语言能力的技能型考试一般来说,英语口语考试考察考生在英语交流中的口语表达能力思维逻辑能力语音语调和语法结构的正确性词汇运用能力等方面英语口语试题的形式多种多样,一些常见类型的口语题目如下1 自我介绍要求考生介绍自己的基本信息2 图片描述要求考生根。

标签: #高中英语口语考试题目