我推荐 高中英语作文带翻译100字 新颖的高考英语作文范文 As the development of high technology, nowadays, people have access to all kinds of new products, these high technology products bring convenience to people’s life Cell phone is one of the biggest inventions, people can keep;and the gigantic building that entered my eyes everything is as good as I thought they would be I like the school here, and I believe I will have a good year learning in high school翻译今天是开学第一天,我很兴奋我对获得新知识感到兴奋我很兴奋能获得新的目标见到新。
高中英语作文100字带翻译篇1 The high school life is never easy for me On one hand, I have to learn so many subjects, for the purpose of entering a good university On the other hand, I am so afraid of lagging behind other students I always feel like I am in the competition and;#高中作文# 导语在我们平凡的日常里,大家对作文都不陌生吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助 篇一高中英语作文带翻译 Today, many young people are crazy about their idols Many years ago, in order to see the idol, a。
但我发现我有很多事情要做我有很多作业要做,我有一些事情要做看了高中暑期英语日记还会看1 初中暑假英语日记6篇 2 初中英语日记80词10篇带翻译 3 关于假期的英语日记4篇 4 高中生活英语作文 5 初中英语日记80字 6 英语作文日记范文带翻译5篇 7 优秀高中英语作文120词带翻译;高中英语作文带翻译第一夫人引导时尚 First Ladies Guide the Fashion Kate Middleton who is known to the world as the young and beautiful princess is the great idol for many girls She speaks for the image of elegance Every time when she appears in the public occasions, she d。
1 高中优秀英语范文 1Helloplayingcomputergames,watchingTVandtravelingIalsolikeplayingtable tennisandIamgoodatit,tooIoftenplaytable tenniswithmyfriendsonweekendsAndIwanttobeafamoustable tennisplayerw;My Favorite Sport I like to do all kinds of sports, in the morning, I will do some jogging and in the evening, sometime I will go to the gym with my friends My favorite sport is playing tennis, tennis brings my life so much happiness, I can watch the match while。
写作思路可以描写一下自己的校园,比如描写校园的操场,将操场的美景详细地介绍一下等等正文Our school has a place we like best That is the playground The playground is a pleasant scenery, with tall and thick oak trees, delicate flowers and some unknown fruit trees我们的学校有。
1、我的朋友相对狂野而我相对沉静他又高又瘦,但是很结实,留着短发一些时候他马虎又懒散与他相比,我显得矮胖,而虚弱我也是短头发他很乐于助人,因为我很懒不想做仍和运动我会在学习上帮助他我希望我们的友谊能够持续到永远1 高中英语作文70词带翻译二Running is a popular kind of。
2、父母对我做的是正确的,这是我的成长之路 看了“英语作文10篇100字带翻译”的人还看了 1 关于100字英语短文带翻译 2 英语作文100字带翻译 3 精选高中英语作文100词左右带翻译 4 英语小短文100字励志 5 语文作文100字 已赞过 已踩过lt 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起。
3、高中英语作文带翻译100字一Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern an。
4、第一篇The Newspaper 报 纸 Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it It supplies us with a variety of news every day It tells us the political situation of the world If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall will get。
5、When I first came to school, I was short and fat最初来到学校的时候,我又矮又胖At that time, I was addicted to online games and spent most of my time playing computer games那时,我沉迷于网络游戏,大部分时间都花在了玩电脑游戏上面My parents are worried about it我的父母。
高中的英语作文范文一 旅游的意义 The Meaning of Travel I like to travel so much When holiday comes, I will make travel plans My friends like travel, too So we make up the group Travel means a lot to me On the one hand, I can broaden my vision Every city h。
Energy Energy makes the world go, It is indispensible to both animal life and human life We get heat energy from the food we eat, light energy from the sun and electricity from water In the hot summer when there ia a power outage we feel all the more the need for。
高中英语作文篇一 There is a saying,”A girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood”I just had my eighteen years birthday It’s certain that I have grown much more beautiful nowlaugh My biggest change is not the appearance but in mind I have。
英语作文100词左右带翻译一I like to travel to different places, I can see the beautiful scenery and get to know the different cultures My friends and I always travel together, we make many plans in advance But the plans will always be interrupted by all kinds of unexpected。
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