
EnglishTutorship 55 0

开头第一 first ,firstly 首先,第一 first of all ,to begin with ,in the first place ,to start with 首先其次 for on thing for another一方面另一方面 on the one hand on the other hand 一般来说 generally speaking ,in general 起初 in the begining 最初 at f。

递进also,futhermore in particular,in addition,moreover 转折However,nevertheless,unfortunately,as well as=and, instead of,rather than 除了仅仅but,除了还有expect,other than 写不下。

I always have a busy and colourful weekend On Saturday, I often do my homework Then, I read some comic books or story books After lunch, I often clean my room and wash my clothesSometimes ,I will draw some pictures when I finish cleaning and washing After dinner, I。

I hardly ever stay up late,because my parents say it is bad for our healthI have some bad habits,tooI eat junk food twice a week,and I drink coffee three times a weekHaving a healthy lifestyle is good for our health翻译 我有很多好习惯我每天看书我也每天帮助做家务。

1 英语作文a week要求频度副词,比较级最高级 On my week, I get up very early, because I must go to school to study I have got a little breakfast On Monday, I read, write at school Then, it#39s elve o#39clock It#39s time for lunch I have lunch at home On。

yourself more energic next dayThereby,it#39s better for you to finish your homework as soon as possible and then sleep earlier at nightMorning is a significant start of a day,so get up earlier is perfectTo have a good habit is simple,just make good use of your time。


英语作文万能语句由于你的情况特殊,所以我写一些比较简单,容易记忆的句子,到时候写出来不一定合适,但最起码不会出错,英语作文万能语句 好我的策略是不管是什么作文,第一句都写一下这句After reading the topic above, I have imagined a lot of relative contents, buhat I really want to say is the。

如increasingly,admittedly等等感激不尽我要的是单个的词语,给的太多反而是敷衍了事,没有重点谢谢 求一些高考英语作文中可以用的好词,多为副词,要比较出彩的,但不要超纲如increasingly,admittedly等等感激不尽我要的是单个的词语,给的太多反而是敷衍了事,没有重点谢谢 展开 #xE768 我来答。

求一些高考英语作文中可以用的好词,多为副词,要比较出彩的,但不要超纲如increasingly,admittedly等等感激不尽我要的是单个的词语,给的太多反而是敷衍了事,没有重点谢谢 求一些高考英语作文中可以用的好词,多为副词,要比较出彩的,但不要超纲如increasingly,admittedly等等感激不尽我要的是单个的词语。

Weather Forecast天气预报 Weather forecasts are of great help to us In rural areas, farmers Wshow much concern about the weather They want to know when it will rain, when it will snow and whether their crops may be injured by frost or hail Usually the weather forecasts can。

副词 1 absolutely 完全地,绝对地,毫无疑问地 2definitely 明确地,肯定地 3 dramatically 引人注目地 4 eventually 最后,终于 5 fortunately幸运地 6 naturally自然地 7 otherwise 否则,另外,不然 1 高中英语作文60词 已赞过 已踩过lt 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起。

I have a good friend She is tall and she has long hair She runs fast,so she is good at sports She sings very well and clearly she does well in singing I like her very much we are good friends。

on one hand,正面观点on the other hand反面观点In contrast,But,some people don#39t think so They think thatWhile然而oppose to反对To one#39s point of view, prefers to。

马上就要高考了,我英语水平勉强及格求高考英语作文万能模板要求有翻译,而且实用,专门应对高考的那种别太复杂,简单点,满分25,能拿15分我就满足了,还有一定要全面 马上就要高考了,我英语水平勉强及格求高考英语作文万能模板要求有翻译,而且实用,专门应对高考的那种别太复杂,简单点,满分25,能拿15分我就。

It was a sunny day,as I was still busy doing my homework,the telephone rangIt was my friend,KalshyHe asked me to go to a movie called TronI was surprised to hear this,for we hadn#39t met for a long time since we graduated这里不用完成时from primary schoolBut we。

具体参照链接188html 这篇文档对副词进行了分类,具体使用的话还是参见词典中的例句比较好,一些常用的搭配可以加强替换练习。

标签: #高中英语作文万能模板副词