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不知你要哪个版本,以下是其中一篇 梦,诞生于儿时那片美丽的园艺场 袁隆平被称为“杂交水稻之父”,他的眼界很小,他只在一粒小小的稻种上倾注了所有的精力袁隆平的贡献很大,他让这粒稻种解决了13亿中国人吃饭的问题现在,这位品牌价值高达1000亿元人民币的中国“杂交水稻之父”正把心血投注到“超级杂交稻”的研;Despite being one of China#39s most famous scientists, Yuan Longping still thinks of himself as a farmer because he works in the fields and conducts scientific research尽管是中国最著名的科学家之一,袁隆平仍然认为自己是个农民,因为他在田里耕作,进行科学研究Indeed, like millions of othe。

Professor Yuan’s new crop immediately began to improve food availability in China翻译袁隆平出生于北京,1953年毕业于西南农业大学在中国,然后被分配到教作物遗传和育种在湖南省的一所农业学校他在1964年开始研究杂交水稻发展,随后被转移到湖南农业科学院1971年作为研究教授两年后,在那里他取得了;第二单元根据相关材料显示关于袁隆平的文章是在大学英语课文第二单元袁隆平研究杂交水稻,感兴趣的话,可以去看看读读。


rice harvests without expanding the area of the fields翻译袁隆平出生于1930年自1953年从西南农业学院毕业以来,他一直致力于寻找种植更多水稻的方法作为一个年轻人,他看到了增加稻米产量的巨大需要那时,饥饿是农村许多地区的一个严重问题他想办法在不扩大田地面积的情况下增加水稻收成。


Never thought of quotbeautifulquot this word and pulling together, yuan longping 71 he, though still appear capable, energetic, thering is no lack of wisdom and good sense of humorAnd there was no need to him and beautiful He made himself unremitting efforts and talent, in ancient。

能不能帮忙把英语必修四上关于袁隆平的那个整篇课文照一下~没带书必采纳! #xE768 我来答 2个回答 #热议# 晚舟必归是李白的诗吗?匿名用户 20140610 展开全部 更多追问追答#xE771 追答 我一段一段发给你吧 已赞过 已踩过lt 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起。

cultures have developed也是从句用完成时表示这种情况已经发生,而且有继续发生保持的趋势4我们常常是错误的以为自己了解对方,所以如果我们能相互理解的话,那将是一件很让人兴奋的事情你的句子怎么那么拗口啊,累死了 有时候句子翻译是不用那么看重的,心里明白就好了 毕竟英语和汉语不一样。

Yuan came up with the idea of hybridizing rice for the first time in the world in 1960s Since then, 50 percent of China#39s total rice cultivation fields have grown such rice, which added some 300 billion kilograms to the country#39s grain outputFurrows grown on his sunbur。



1、在巴基斯坦,水稻是继小麦之后的第二种最重要的作物并将在许多地方种植中国袁隆平高科技农业公司已开发出一种新的杂交水稻这种杂交水稻的产量远高于巴基斯坦其他种类的水稻Module 5 三峡之旅 1996年8月,一位年轻的美国英语教师彼得#8226赫斯勒,来到长江之滨的涪陵他和另一位同事将在那里的一。

2、接下来是我为大家整理的高中英语教案大全,希望大家喜欢! 高中英语教案大全一 Unit 2 Working the land 教学准备 教学目标 1知识目标让学生通过阅读课文更多地了解我国的农业科学家袁隆平的科研成果及其影响 2能力目标让学生进一步使用恰当地阅读方式与技能,如略读skimming, 快速阅读 fast reading。

3、Although he is one of China#39s most famous scientists, Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer, for he works the land to do his research 尽管他是中国最著名的科学家之一,袁隆平仍然认为自己是个农民,因为他在田间耕作进行科学研究Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, stron。

4、Yuan Longping, China#39s Most Famous quotFarmerquotIt says every scientist cherishes a childhood dream indicating his or her future success, but for Yuan Longping, dubbed as quotfather of hybrid rice,quot the dream is that he cultivates rice as plump as peanuts, and farmers can relax in。

5、Road to Super Hybrid Rice Born into a poor farmer#39s family in 1931 and a graduate from the Southwest Agriculture Institute in 1953, Yuan began his teaching career at an agriculture school in Anjiang, Hunan ProvinceHe came up with an idea for hybridizing rice in the 1960s。

标签: #高中英语教材袁隆平课文