1、1 高中英语课文机器人文章续写 As the development of the science and technology, more and more people begin to use robot in life to serve for themUsing robots will bring you much convenience They can do housework for you,such as wash cloths,clean rooms and so on Therefore,you will hav;高中英语读后续写万能句子如下一eye1His eyes were wide with horror他惊恐地瞪大了眼睛2She looked her father straight in the eye and answered his question truthfully她直视父亲的眼睛,诚实地回答了他的问题二mouth1He covered his mouth to hide his yawn;写作思路从文章的写作目的中心主旨入手,以使文章中心思想鲜明深刻地表现出来,正文Modern technology makes life more convenient Tools are milestones of scientific and technological progress and human progress Man used to saw trees with a hand saw, but now, a tree can be sawed;1quotPeter Pan Peter Panquot Du Hougan Reading the quotPeter Pan Peter Panquot This famous work,I benefited from,I know that every child will grow up in this truthMany children do not want to grow up and do not want to go to school,just want to play every dayPeter Pan is the hero of。
2、高中英语作文续写方法教程如下一明确考察范围 文章续写一直都会围绕着矛盾冲突conflict还有解决solution展开,结合近年高考考查过的题材来看,一般都是关于迷路系列,脱险系列,争吵系列这三种情况二高分续写模版 1第一句展现情绪面对矛盾,本能反应紧扣一个关键词2第二句补充细节;2 years passedWhen the couple met againNow they was calmWhen they talled about why they broke up,they could face itThe missunderstanding fanilly obviousLiFang looked nervousHe was send to USA last 2 years and lost his mobilephoneSo he could not connected with HuJin;高中英语读后续写的技巧和方法如下一 得分要点 1字迹清晰 每段首尾的字迹必须非常清楚其实阅卷老师无论看什么作文,他的重点一般都是放在每段的首尾,首尾必须吸睛2前后呼应,主题升华 有些乱七八糟八竿子打不着的就不要乱说,读后续写一般都划出了提示词,这些提示词其实都是续写的线索;高一英语续写作文万能句子,英语续写作文万能句子很多朋友还不知道,现在让我们一起看看吧1开头句型As far as is concerned 就而言,It goes without saying that 不言而喻,It can be said with certainty that 可以肯定地说2衔接句型A case in point is 一个。
3、什么是高中英语读后续写如下读后续写是高考英语一年两考省份新增加的题型,用以替代短文改错这种题型,是世界范围内,第一次应用于高利害性考试英语读后续写技巧和方法1通读全文,读懂原文通读全文首先要解决好五个W和一个H的问题,即理清人物who地点where时间when事件what原因why及怎样;浙江新高考英语读后续写,如何让你的篇章生动且有力作为一名19届英语专业学生,我深知原著中的精华所在寒假期间,我精心整理了四本英语原著的精彩片段,每一处细节都凝结着语言的魔力现在,让我来分享一些高中英语学习中的实用技巧,包括外貌动作和语言描绘的精髓外貌描写,如“hunched shoulders。
4、高中英语续写的方法和技巧如下quot读后续写quot是高考英语中新增加的一种写作题型,从2016年开始应用于高考综合改革试点省份的高考中并且将随着高考综合改革试点的推广在全国范围内使用在将来,越来越多的学生将会在高考英语中遇到读后续写这种题型在开始学习如何进行读后续写之前,让我们先来了解一下读后;高一英语读后续写这样写根据原文段首语关键词生活常识来推理情节,丰富细节一从原文中整理出35个小情节,从中推理出续写的主要情节情节不能自己读后凭空想象,按自己看过的小说电视剧情节适当推理二根据两个段首语来推理情节段首语往往决定着这一整段话的走向,不可衔接不当;高中英语必修三第三单元百万英镑作文续写范文 2 years passedWhen the couple met againNow they was calmWhen they talled about why they broke up,they could face itThe missunderstanding fanilly obviousLiFang looked nervousHe was send to USA last 2 years and lost his mobile;高一英语作文读后续写的万能句子如下1 He stood silently, tear rolling down his cheeks 他沉默地站在那,泪水从他的脸上流淌下来2 I feel like I an floating in an ocean of sadness 我感到我像是漂浮在悲伤的海洋上3 She burst into tears and ran out of the room 她突然大;高中英语续写的技巧和方法有1审题速读阅读材料和写作要求,明确写作任务2读文细读阅读材料,确定文章体裁和话题注意文中的关键词,也就是故事中的时间地点人物和事件,特别要标记能描述事件发展过程的词和短语3谋段先仔细阅读续写部分所给出的两段段首文字,再构思这两段要写。
标签: #高中英语课文续写