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英语听力原文 Father Hi Michael Happy Birthday! How old are you today?Son SevenFather Alright Well, let#39s sing Happy BirthdayHappy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday dear Michael,Ha。

Boy 1 Hey Gang There#39s a big test on Tuesday I really need some help Can you tell me how you study for a big test?Voices Sure! Yes Sure we willBoy 1 You did really well on the last。

Unit 1 My name’s GinaSection A 1b Listen and number the conversations 13Conversation 1 Cindy Good morning I’m Cindy!Dale Hello, Cindy! I’m DaleCindy Nice to meet you!Conversation。


Section A 1b Bob Hey,LucyLucy Hi,BobBob How was your weekend?Lucy It was greatBob So,what did you do ?Lucy Well,on Saturday morning I played tennis,on Saturday afternoon I went to the b。

第7段听力材料 Ann, you don#39t look very well What#39s the matter?I feel sick and tired outQuestion How is Ann ?第8段听力材料 Let#39s go to the mall this Friday afternoonWhy not make it Saturday。

听力材料 一情景反应听问句,选出恰当的答语每个句子听两遍 1 You really played well during the basketball game2 Whatrsquos the weather like in Xiaogan now?3 Can you come and play football。

Conversation 1 Girl Are these your books?Boy No, they aren’t They’re hersConversation 2 Woman Is that your schoolbag?Boy No, it isn’t It’s hisConversation 3 Boy Is this your。

2023年英语听力原文如下W Tom, shall we buy a gift for Maggie#39s birthday?M Yes, but I don#39t know what she likesWLet#39s call her roommate,SofiaShe might know what to buy for her本节话题。

初中英语百度云网盘资源下载地址 链接 ?pwd=1234 提取码1234 介绍资源含初中名师网课,课外辅导初中中考冲刺教材学习视频等等资源包罗万象。


等细节,然后在听完全篇的基础上,概括出第四题的答案就可以了本题的答案分别是1A 2C 3A 4B本文是初中英语听力短文理解题,相信这篇文章对大家一定有很大的帮助,更多初中英语信息请时刻关注我们~。

2015年英语听力真题原文 要想提高自己的英语听力能力,在平常就要多练习,下面是我整理的英语四级听力原文,希望能帮到大家! Section A Directions In this section, you will hear 8short conversations and 2 long conversations At。


八年级英语下人教版 教材听力原文 3 Girl 1Oh, that looks serious You should put some medicine on it Here, let me help you Girl 2OK, thanks 2b Listen again Match the problems with the advice。

能较好完成这一步的同学,往往在听力考试选择题型的考察中立于不败之地,因为对段落的基本内容可以把握到位02英文复述 方法同上,唯一的区别是在同样的时间内,以英语复述形式来书写这练习了咱们的瞬时翻译能力,在以后。

上面那个是VOA慢速英语的 all about eyes原谅如下 Today’s program is all about eyes When it comes to relationships, people’s eyes can be a window into their hearts This means that their eyes can tell。

标签: #初中英语听力材料原文