P1 英译汉
When the African peguins Derek and Geirfugl were given their own room last spring, keepers at the Greensboro Science Center quetioned whether they liked each other enough to take their relationship to the next level.
Derek was more interested in interacting with her human keepers than with other penguins. And when she did start to flirt with Geirfugl, leaning toward him and flicking her head back and forth, the male bird did not return the sentiment.
By mid-September, though, the relationship had taken an amorous turn. On a recent afternoon, they nestled beside each other inside a plastic crate — on a nest containing two eggs.
“Geirfugl is actually a really good mate,” said Shannon Fletcher, a keeper at the science center. “He’s done all of the collecting for their nest box. He’s been very protective of her.”
“格夫格真是一个好丈夫”,科学中心的饲养员香农·弗莱彻( Shannon Fletcher )说。“他为他们自己的窝做了所有的收集工作。他一直很保护母企鹅。”
In the wild, African penguins, which inhabit the coast of South Africa and Namibia, choose their partners from a pool of thousands and mate for life. In captivity, the limited size of the colonies — and the need to perpetuate a genetically diverse species — make human intervention necessary.
The African penguin population has declined more than 60 percent over the past 30 years, and the species is now considered endangered. The Association of Zoos and Aquariums runs a “species survival” program among the nearly 50 facilities with African penguin colonies, including the science center here.
Scientists gather the genetic information on more than 800 birds held around the country and make breeding recommendations based on which are least related to one another. The facilities maintain “studbooks” that track the information and carry out prescribed breeding and transfer plans.
One of the newer facilities to join the program, the Greensboro center started its penguin colony — now 17 birds — just over two years ago. As it turns out, while the science guiding the plan is fairly straightforward, penguin group dynamics are not.
Because penguin preferences rarely correspond exactly with species management plan mandates, the keepers are responsible for managing the penguins’ love lives, often by gently trying to convince certain birds that they fancy each other, while keeping other potential partners distracted.
Breeding healthy penguins is both a science and an art, said Steve Sarro, curator of the Smithsonian National Zoological Park and coordinator of the zoo association’s African penguin program.
培育健康的企鹅既是科学也是艺术,史蒂夫·萨洛( Steve Sarro )说。他是史密森国家动物园的馆长和动物园协会的非洲企鹅计划的协调员。
Completed in June 2013, the glass-walled penguin enclosure at the Greensboro science center contains a 9,500-gallon pool of water against a backdrop of faux granite rocks. The penguins here lead soap-opera lives, to hear their keepers tell it.
When Geirfugl was bonding with a bird named Kaapse, for example, the couple took nesting too far and began hoarding rocks from the exhibit — more than 100 pounds — in their nesting box, crushing a couple of eggs. After the keepers set them up in a room with a nesting box and a few token rocks, they turned out to be wonderful parents.
In the wild, however, African penguins face continued threats, mostly from people. The collection of guano for fertilizer has deprived them of the material they use to build burrows. Oil spills in 1994 and 2000 killed 30,000 birds despite rehabilitation efforts. And commercial overfishing has forced the birds to swim much farther for food.
“One hundred fifty years ago, there were millions in the wild,” said Mr. Sarro, of the Smithsonian. “Now we’re down to 18,000 breeding pairs.”
The association hopes captive colonies will act as ambassadors for their wild counterparts, building public support for conservation efforts.
P2 汉译英
There is powerful economic, social and political force that has driven rapid expansion in higher education in the last several decades. Higher education is viewed as important investment in human capital, which is essential to economic growth. In economic globalization, governments of many countries are willing to enhance competitiveness by investing in higher education.
Besides economic considerations, social and political groups also intensify their effort to support the expansion of higher education in the wake of popularization of primary and secondary education. Higher education is recognized as an important channel for the rise of social status for the lower and middle classes. The expansion in higher education will provide great access and more equal opportunities to the under-privileged and reduce social equality.
改革开放以来,中国的高等教育获得了长足的发展,教育质量不断提高。至2010年底,全国高校在校生达到2144万人 。
Since the Reform and Opening-up, higher education in China has made remarkable progress and its quality has been continuously improved. By the end of 2010, there was a total enrolment of 21.44 million college students.
高等学校的办学水平进一步提高,科研实力增强,高校对国家经济建设和社会发展的贡献力度日益增大 。
The operation of higher education institutions has been further improved and their research capacity has been enhanced as well. The contribution of HEIs to national economic and social development has been increasingly expanded.
同时,中国是世界上出国留学生最多的国家。近20年来,共计有58万余名留学生赴103个国家和地区留学 。
Meanwhile, China is the country that sends the most students abroad for studies and researches. In the last 20 years, over five hundred and eighty thousand Chinese students have been sent to 103 countries and regions.
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