
EnglishTutorship 176 130

1、Today is my birthday Thank you all for coming今天是我的生日谢谢你们所有人的到来Happy birthday!生日快乐Happy birthday to you!祝你生日快乐Dear Amy,亲爱的艾米Please come to my twelfth party at 6 pm on Saturday Now let me tell you how to come请在星期六下午六点来。

2、Let’s read 我们怎样去公园我们可以骑自行车去从这儿直行然后右转它就在医院旁边来吧让我们走吧不行等会儿现在是红灯这儿就是,公园的北门北门我想去南门的宠物商店那儿有一个大的滑冰场它离这儿不远我们可以先去宠物商店然后,我们一起去滑冰场太棒了Let’s;I can play intellectual games online, play in improving intelligence Learning, I can also listen to music on computers, painting, watching movies, they can even readI like the computer Computer and my life are closely linked I believe that the computer will give us more;1I don#39t kown whether he will come home for the festival译文我不知道他是否会回家过节2I believe that the water Festival is most fun译文我相信水上节是最有趣的3I wonder if mooncakes are delicious译文我想知道月饼是否好吃4How exciting the races are!译文;A life without a friend is a life without a sun Friendship is one of the most important things in everyone#39s lifeFriends are who changes your life just by being a part of it, who makes you believe that there really is good in the world, who convinces you that there。

3、1Sallie went to Rome last month2My brother to Moscow next month3You want to fly to Athens next week?4Have you ever been to Berlin?5The year before I went to Mumbai;module 1 unit 1 告诉我一些关于长城的事吧,我想去那儿 你可以去什么时候你来中国看望我,我们就去那儿离我家很近 我们能把长城全部走完吗,大明 不,我们不能全走完它太长了 为什么它有多长 它有十里长 里 五千千米长 哇他有多少年的历史了 非;外研版小学六年级英语上册单词 Unit 1 thousand 一千,一千个 kilometre 公里 might 可能,可以 million 百万,百万个 place 地方,地点 building 建筑物,大楼 Unit 2 surprise 惊奇 everywhere 各处,到处 restaurant 饭馆 different 不同的 dancing 舞蹈 weekend 周末 Unit 3 stamp 邮票 album 集邮册 c;Ben is good at math,Sue is good at EnglishSo they always help each otherThey are good friends on study放心吧 没错了;六年级上册英语第8页的翻译如下一east – 东方的 二eagerness – 热心 三eagle – 鹰 四ear – 耳朵,听力 五early – 早 词汇解析一east i#720st adj 东方的 adv 向东方 n 东方东部 1 east的基本意思是“东,东方”,指与西方相对的一个特定的方向;1 He is distressed by his health problems2 Afer many years of prospection, he has become an expert on mummy3 He grumbled to me that two of his neighbour#39s dogs fighting evey day。



5、我很高兴收到你的邮件Let me tell you something about my family让我告诉你一些关于我家庭的事情吧My family lives in KunmingMy father is a doctor and my mother我的家在昆明,我的爸爸是一个医生,我的妈妈小学六年级英语课文翻译 悬赏分5 离问题结束还有 14 天 23;有一些拼写错误我猜着来的 帕姆和桑迪在水族馆她们站在一个店子前她们安静地读书商店 书 和明信片 里面有很多漂亮的T恤帕姆和桑迪饿了商店旁边有一家餐厅家明坐在餐馆前,他在吃零食帕姆和桑迪想吃他的炸薯条;Please tell his father how to go to the schoolI often go to work on footI often walk to workDo you go home by bike?Do you ride home?Meet again at 8 o#39clock tonightHow do you get there?Which floor do you live in?I live in the third floor;新教材六年级上册英语课文第14页课文翻译 有奖励写回答共2个回答 晓龙老师jH 高粉答主 202010位粉丝 Mike Good morning, Mrs Smith麦克史密斯夫人,上午好Mrs Smith Hello, children You are very early How do you come to。

标签: #六年级上册外研版英语翻译