
EnglishTutorship 164 130

类风湿性关节炎RA是一个系统性的慢性炎性diseaseof不清楚病因,表现在进步和destructivepolyarthritis与血清学autoreactivity的证据Itdiagnosis是基于分类标准,涉及fourparameters共同参与,血清学类风湿因子和anticycliccitrullinated肽antiCCP,急性期反应物和theduration Aletaha症状,et alThis分类简化。

the general content is the same an oath to respect those who have imparted their knowledge upon the science of medicine, and respect to the patients as well as the promise to treat them to the best of the physicians#39 ability 或许在医学最持久的,被引用最多次的誓言就是”。

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High blood pressure has closest relation to hemorrhagic stroke, therefore controlling of blood pressure plays an vital role in prevention of that disease While ischemic stroke is a kind of disease involving multiple risk factors,which is needed to be prevent in a comprehensive wayFor。

类风湿性关节炎RA分布普遍有noreports地区或民族中没有找到这种疾病,和itsprevalence似乎并不显著不同团体之间的研究根据最新的评论,RA的年发病率据报道活着40100,000在世界范围内,被女人21 31更容易affectedthan男人整体的终生风险RA在成人女性是36%281和17%的男性在591。


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