
EnglishTutorship 151 130

翻译红灯意思是停Yellow means quotWait”, and green means quotGoquot翻译黄灯意思是等候,绿灯意思是走In China, drivers drive on the right side of the road翻译在中国,司机开车在公路的右边In the US,drivers drive on the right side, too翻译在美国,司机开车也是在右边。

I#39m going to the cinema我打算去电影院When are you going to go?那你打算什么时候去呢I#39m going to go on Wednesday我打算周三去Why don#39t you go on Tuesday?你怎么周二不去了Tickets for Tuesday are half price周二的票是半价的Really? thank you真的吗谢谢。

我喜欢集邮你呢Me tooThere is a stamp show on SundayLet#39s go together我也是在周日有一个邮票展让我们一起去I have a friendHe likes collecting stamps,tooCan he go with us?我有一个朋友他也喜欢集邮他能和我们去吗Sure!当然可以如何学好英语1方法一多看。


新教材六年级上册英语书第14页翻译早上好,斯密斯老师 你好,孩子们 通常,我走路来 有时我乘公交车 我经常骑自行车来学校 你怎么来学校,斯密斯老师乘小车吗 有时但是我通常走路来 那是很好的锻炼免费试听课地址点击即可领取外教一对一免费。

Mike Good morning, Mrs Smith麦克史密斯夫人,上午好Mrs Smith Hello, children You are very early How do you come to school?史密斯夫人孩子们好,你们来得很早你们怎么来上学的Amy Usually I come to school on foot Sometimes I take the bus艾米通常我步行来上学。

具体的翻译如下WuYifanRobin,Where is the museumI want to buy a postcard吴一凡罗宾,博物馆的商店在哪儿我想要买一张明信片RobinIt#39s near the door罗宾在大门附近Wu YifanThanksWhere is the post officeI want to send it today吴一凡谢谢邮局在哪儿我想今。

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