
EnglishTutorship 199 130

之后有时她会回家做一些清洁,有时她会做一些她喜欢的事情放学后她又会来接我,然后做饭晚饭后,我父母会教我写作业,然 后我们会一起看电视周末的时候我们通常会出去家庭活动我爱我家想要写好关于我的家庭带翻译的英语作文,最主要的还是自身要有扎实的英语基本功,学习在线外教一对一课堂。

There are three people in my family,my father ,my mother and IMy mother is a teacher who is always strict with her studend ,and with me alsoShe is pretty and look like youngMy father is an engineer who is kind to me than my motherHe is ordinarylooking,but。

we often have a good time我的家庭,2,I love my home, home is my most warm harbor, is my favorite place, there are my dearest mom and dad, they are all loves me 我爱我的家,家是我最温馨的港湾,是我最爱的地方,那里有我最亲爱的爸爸妈妈,他们都是爱我的,1。



我的家庭英语范文参考Everyone has a family So do I I have a warm family, There are three persons in my family My father,my mother and I My mother is a shop assistant, she is always busy with her work My father is an teacher, he often helps me do my maths。

她不太高但很瘦她的眼睛是黑色的显示出她的头发有一些白发She takes me to school every day She helps me with my homework in the evening她每天送我去学校在晚上她帮我做我的家庭作业If I am hungry, she will cook my favorite food如果我饿了,她会煮我最喜欢的食物She。

I am really proud of my family我有一个很美好的家庭,我的爸妈都有很好的工作,我爸是工程师,城市中很多的桥梁都是他设计的,每天都在走他设计的路,感觉很骄傲,我妈是一个人民教师,她教出来的学生成绩都特别好,我真的为我的家庭感到骄傲My family live in the capital of China, Beiji。

标签: #英语翻译在线介绍家庭