
EnglishTutorship 105 0

或者 The teacher gives a piece of paper to each of us你的第一个错误,teacher不可以直接用的,前面必需要有冠词第二个错误,teacher是第三人称单数,动词give应该加s 第三个错误,“我们每一个人”是 each of。

老师给她的学生们布置了一个写作考试她想要他们写一篇作文题目是“我的狗”不少于150个单词小tom想了一会儿,然后开始写道“我有一条狗我称它为BOBBY 我喜欢我的狗他是全黑的,只有鼻子是白的”TOM。


1 No Because the words in ads may be overstated and would not easily believe other#39s words and the social credibility would be , I bought a cleansing scream你可以换成你。

take an examination 问题三什么时候其中考试用英语怎么说 When is the midterm exam?问题四期末考试英语怎么说 finally examination首先,要学好英语,最关键的是要有兴趣俗话说兴趣是最好的老师教我们英语。


may I have a piece of paper?please give me a piece of paper?would you please give me a piece of paper could you hand me a piece of paper。

标签: #老师让我们拿出纸考试英语翻译