出席attend, be present, present at, show up风俗custom, mores,convention。
attend to the Zoom Meetings重点词汇 attend to处理注意听取致力于照料,照顾The main thing is to attend to the injured首要任务是照顾伤者I have some urgent business to attend to我有一些急事要处理。
2attend 英文发音#601#712tend中文释义v出席参加经常去,定期去某处注意专心 例句He mistook the time and did not attend the meeting他误时了,以致没有参加那个会议。
翻译是We would like you to be the judges and attend this competition!解释judge 英d#658#652d#658 美d#658#652d#658vt 审判,评判 断定vt 评价 估计 尤指。
词汇辨析join, take part in, attend, enterjoin 参加,加入,成为的一员take part in 参与,参加某种活动attend 出席,参加,定期去某处enter 加入,开始从事开始参加。
ceremony #39serim#601unin 典礼,仪式礼节,礼仪客套,虚礼 复数ceremonies awards n 奖项判决奖赏award的复数v 授予award的三单形式判给 attend #601#39tendvt1 出席,参加会议等。
the students present present放后面阿黛,这可是我妈英语老师认证的哦~~~。
答 首先开会可以表达为Hold a meeting, Have a meeting或者直接说meeting因此该开会了就可以说it is time for meeting这是最简单的表达 如果你想要用一个动词性的短语,那么你就可以用it is time to do something。
对应的英语1 Who will attend the meeting?2 How many people going to attend the meeting? Who are they?attend a meetingconference 出席会议。
out的中文读音近似奥特 满意请采纳,谢谢。
但是,如果翻译时保留英语原来的“否定之否定”的形式并不影响中文的流畅时,则应保留的目的还可突出原文中婉转的语气如He is not unequal to the duty 他并非不称职4正反移位 I don’t think he will come。
正确的翻译是 Do let me know, whether or not you are able to attend或 Please confirm whether or not you will be able to attend但这句话英语有句标准习惯短语仅4 个字母 是。
您能出席这次会议,我们倍感荣幸9On behalf of all my colleagues, I would like to extend our warm welcome to you我代表所有的同事,向你表示最热烈的欢迎10With a sense of great sorrow we bid farewell。
7Many people attended the official opening ceremony of the Olympic games7许多人正式出席了奥运会的开幕式8Two men grabbed her and pushed her to the ground8两个男人抓住她并把她按倒在地上9It’s。
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