1、医学的英文翻译是medicine,在句中作为名词使用,具体分析如下 medicine 英#x02C8medsn 美 #x02C8m#x025Bd#x026As#x026An n医学药物有功效的东西,良药 相关短语 1Veterinary Medicine 兽医 兽医学 兽医 兽医 兽药;非谓语动词短语用得较频繁 44医学英语中,包含两个以上从句的长句较多4请有医学常识的英语达人翻译一份医学报告 超声波导入单二级三级管 1组 8组 载玻片 阐述和诊断,2淋巴结,超声波导入 发送时间;At the beginning of this century , medical scientists made an interesting discovery we are built not just of flesh and blood bnt also of time They were 1 to show that we all have a quot body;他是一位很神秘的歌手,就是在韩国也鲜为人知 问题五临床医学用英语怎么说 Clinical Medicine Master instructor 问题六医学研究 翻译英语短语 medical research;医疗的英文medicalmedical,英语单词,名词形容词,作名词时意为“医生体格检查”作形容词时意为“医学的药的内科的”医疗是一个汉语词语,英文翻译为medical,意思为医治疾病的治疗短语搭配medical;医学专用英语翻译如下 Assessing the Eyes and Ears 眼耳评估 Assessment 评估 Ask if client has a history of eye disease, trauma, or vision problems 询问受检者是否有眼疾外伤或视力问题史 Ask if client has a histo;翻译No obvious symptoms in early stage, easily overlooked, with the progression of disease, tumor already grows bigger when obvious symptoms occur1 Irritative symptom of rectum is frequent desire to defecate;仅供参考 GSK3 is a major node in the complex web of intracellular signaling pathways receiving input from many sourcesGSK3 是在细胞内的信息提示路径复合网中的一个主要结点, 它从各种信息来源处接收信号These。
2、学医的英语翻译如下1study medicine学医药物,医学2to study medicine学医3prendere medicina学医吃点药4medical students学医医学生医科学生study medicine分别释义Study1当词性为名词时;发音英 #39d#594kt#601 美 #39dɑkt#602vt 修理篡改,伪造为?治病授以博士学位 n 医生博士 vi 就医行医 同根词词根 doctor adjdoctoral 博士的博士学位的有博士学位的 docto;2018下半年英语六级考试翻译试题中医 中医Traditional Chinese Medicine是中华文化不可分割的一部分,为振兴华夏做出了巨大的贡献如今, 中医和西医western medicine在中国的医疗保健领域并驾齐驱中医以其独特的诊断;and respect to the patients as well as the promise to treat them to the best of the physicians#39 ability 或许在医学最持久的,被引用最多次的誓言就是”希波克拉底誓言”这个以古希腊医师希波克拉底命名的誓言。
3、Various branches possibly involve sickness plants the equipment which the institute needs to be prepared, and maintains the complete condition as necessary Eliminates in addition, the newborn sincere hospital ward;1马上输血,快一点立即 1 blood filtering right now!2向左侧卧 2 lie on left side 3头低下,眼睛看肚子,抱住自己的腿 3 head drop, look your belly, inclasp your legs 4翻身,面朝上,躺平 4;医学英语的翻译方法1分清句子结构类型找出其中逻辑关系医学英语句型以非人称句和被动句为主医学英语为显示其客观性多用非人称句,从而更加正式筒练比如It is possible that the symptoms preceding the headache。
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