英语paraphrase软件_paraphrase tool下载

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还可以改进,因为释意句子paraphrase是指use simpler words to explain the original one 要点如下1 你要用更简单的词来解释,而不是相反,否则读者可能更不明白2通常有两种情况1解释句子中的个别单词2;Paraphrase Despite there are certain similarities among many of the nation’s houses, due to architectural style, they have their own particular features they are not the same as each other or as those in。


1、二元是必须吸收和经历过在一个生活的情况然而,有些主管翻译那些从来没有这种特权的住在乡下,来源或目标语言是,因此,他们不得不依靠浩如烟海的阅读奈达200199英语翻译A qualified translator should be not only。

2、英语听力和口语密不可分inputprocessoutput随便注意一下你周围的听力高手,他们的口语十有八九不会逊色到哪里去用paraphrase的方法输出达到训练效果最大化从有听力文字的材料练起 具体的做法是听,然后回过来研究文。

3、It will create a basic health record for all 50 million patients, enabling quick and easy access to the essential information that anyone making health decisions about a patient needs to know它将会为五千万。


5、1He had opened his eyes with the sun at dawn,scratched,done his business like a dog at the roadsideHe woke up at sunrise early in the morning and began to work very this now universal。

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1、dict=CALD to repeat something written or spoken using different words, often in a humorous form or in。


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4、paraphrase #712p#230r#601freizvt n释文,意译 Paraphrase the ancient Chinese prose in colloquialism language把这篇古文译成白话文explain iks#39plein解释,说明 例句That explains his absence他。



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8、甚至能根据当时的语境和语气,选择是否使用这个单词,而这就是所谓的”英语思维”,也就是你能否根据语气和表达,而不仅仅是表面的意思选择一个词3 查英英字典,是一次同步的paraphrase改述练习有一种非常有效的英。


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