and respect to the patients as well as the promise to treat them to the best of the physicians#39 ability 或许在医学最持久的,被引用最多次的誓言就是”希波克拉底誓言”这个以古希腊医师希波克拉底命名的誓言。
医学英语的翻译方法1分清句子结构类型找出其中逻辑关系医学英语句型以非人称句和被动句为主医学英语为显示其客观性多用非人称句,从而更加正式筒练比如It is possible that the symptoms preceding the headache。
Aim To describe two patients with a highly aggressive, apparently ‘new’ and rare soft tissue and bone malignancy of childhood and early adult life that we have named inflammatory monomorphic undifferentiated。
MethodsIn a multicenter randomized trial, we have compared the effects of regular treatment by putting the acute lung injury or acute respiratory distress syndrome patients in the supine position and the。
Reading B 1 1Normally, the rate of cell reproduction and the process of cell differentiation are precisely controlled so that both of these mechanisms cease once the appropriate numbers and type of cell are。
Atherosclerosis of the coronaryvessel is a primary cause of coronary heart disease It is caused by accumulationof fatty deposits within the lining of an artery冠状动脉粥样硬化是冠心病的主因,它是由脂肪沉积物。
Decompressive laparotomy has been shown to effec tively reduce IAP and reverse the symptoms typically associated with ACS 32 In patients with severe acute pancreatitis and IAH, intrauid。
which may spell the end of the drill 但是,在今天看来还是新的发展成果,过不了多久可能就成为触手可得的常见东西 翻译好啦手工翻译的, 其实 隐青青 翻译得很好,某些句子我也是参考了他的,互相学习了。
管乐器演奏高阻力管乐器如双簧管,圆号,小号时,眼内压似乎增加了10 %一生中演奏的时间越长,导致视野损失的青光眼的发病率就越高Schuman爵士在高阻力管乐器演奏者中的眼内压和视野疾病增加了眼科医学2000年。
node lumber degeneration pelvic empyema L是腰椎lumber, S是骶骨sacrum , intervertebral disc,椎间盤 其实我想说叫你的医生写一下就好了,尤其是做到主任的,英文都应该颇牛逼逼得你同事看得懂的话记得回馈一下~。
一般情况省略 主诉清晨咳白黄痰十余年 现病史患者为58岁退休工程师诉慢性支气管炎,以清晨咳白黄色痰为特征,由于此病和膝关节炎困扰,于8年前退休几个月前,咳嗽明显加剧,与支气管炎引起的有所不同这个咳嗽。
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