
EnglishTutorship 432 0

1、1 mom wants him to buy the things on your way home on sb blinding2 Ann invited her friends and her to go to the concert sbto invite athletes3 when young, she likes reading, results, and now;1Simon,hold on, I will put through DrKuang#39s I take you a message?3Let#39s meet at the entrance of the #39m honored to attend your wedding Kun, a Chinese;Unit 1你怎样为考试做准备部分1b 男孩1嘿gangthere#39 S大测试我们星期我真的需要一些帮助你能告诉我你怎么Study for a大测试声音当然是的当然我们会的男孩你真的好1我们最后的英语测试,你不美;答案一点在你的学校见 核心短语词汇at your school 在你的学校 解析meet见面,at one 一点钟,此句的句意很明显,答案为“一点在你的学校见”。


2、这是在浪费时间和金钱仅仅一个失去生产的工厂每天都会损失成千上万美元事实上,有许多工厂因为实际操作贪污腐败不道德行为或者财务问题等其他意想不到的原因,一直以来从未正常运转过;3开始进入在线英语翻译器的翻译页面,点击右下角的中文标志按钮,进入录音页面开始说话,中文录音完成后点击完成按钮,开始进入翻译英语页面4中文翻译英文结果页面,翻译结果除了中英文文字外,还会播放英文语音,如果你想重;You take me seriously, your thing is my things!在手机软件语音翻译器中它的中文意思为你把我当回事,你的东西就是我的东西我个人觉得把它翻译为你愿意相信我,你的一切就是我的一切 英语在对中文的翻译中;1我们盼望你的来访We are looking forward for you visiting2到上个月为止Until last month3我们在这里度过的日子We had spent time over here4我们什么时候动身到北京When we show up at BeiJing?5;1For插件甲板大会站,试验应可行使的强度引脚推动和拉动力量我们必须确保引脚被关押在该插件甲板中所定义的设备规格如果有任何电线轧花或焊接,这些连接将需要检测其强度使用下拉测试2For附件的插件甲板中级住房,住房分。

3、让人类都能享有和平发展的生 存 权答案正确 ,我打字不容易,希望可以帮助到大家,要是还有什么需要翻译,可以对我追问也可以加我的3062欢迎大家加我,不过加我时要说明是要翻译句子哦~~~;1Millie asked me something about the life in the Kitty#39s father was talking with her, she stopped taking was astonished by seeing three men wearing police got;1同学们从家中带来当地可口的食物来给我吃 My classmates brought me from home their delicious local food2同学们带我参观校园,周末邀请我去他家做客 My classmate was touring me around the campus 或者School, and;我上午有四节课,下午有两节我中午十二点在学校吃午饭我下午四点半回家有时我有些作业要做我九点半上床睡觉。


4、Last time we implore you to help us, but you didn#39t Don#39t pass the buck to others, you have to do it myself onto shiftDue to the decline in output, the company had to fired half the staff。

5、英语句子在线翻译是一个免费的在线英语翻译器,支持多个国家语言互译功能,运用分解法求解非线在线英语翻译请在下框中输入要翻译的内容,英文在线翻译器可以处理英语句子在线翻译汉英在线翻译汉日在线翻译汉法在线翻译;1Mr Mandelson is in a difficult positionmaintaining the controls could be a disaster for the retailersMandelson 先生正处于一个很尴尬的境地保持管制对零售商而言无疑灭顶之灾2In his early forties ,Peter。

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