1、1What do they do 英文发音w#594t du#720 #240e#618 du#720中文释义他们是做什么工作的他们是干什么工作的 例句What services do they need to do their jobs?他们需要何种服务来进行其。
2、what do they do?what#39s their job。
3、1 What does she do?2 What#39s her job?3 What job does she do。
4、他们是做什么的What do they do? = What are they? = What are their jobs。
5、她的工作是什么 What is her job例句她的工作是什么她是一个警察吗是的,她是的What#39s her job? Is she a policewoman? Yes, she is。
6、what#39s your career?what do you do?what#39s your job?what do you do for work。
7、“工作”翻译成英语是work 一音标英 w#604#720k 美 w#604#720rk二释义n 工作,职业事情活计职责,工作内容作品,著作工作成果 v 工作,干活儿从事体力或脑力劳动。
8、我不知道我最适合干什么工作用英语怎么说 I don#39t know what is the most suitable job for me to do他们是干什么工作的 用英语怎么说 为你解答他们是干什么工作的1What do they do?2What are they?3。
9、他是做什么工作的What#39s his job?What does he do?What#39s his occupation?What#39s his profession?他是做什么工作的what is his job?What does he doWhat is his work?what is heWhat#39s his occupation?W。
10、他是做什么的的英文1what is he2What does he do?3what is his jobjob 读法 英 d#658#601#650b 美 d#658o#650bn工作职业职位一项任务一件工作,活儿。
11、翻译1What is your father #39s job?翻译你父亲是干什么工作的2What does your father do?翻译你父亲做什么工作3What is the father of your work?翻译你的爸爸是做什么工作的?4what kind of jo。
12、What does he do?或 What is his job?或 What is he。
13、他们在哪里工作用英语两种翻译方法Where are they working?Where do they work?双语例句依然有很多长相难看的人,但他们在哪里工作There are plenty of ugly peoplebut where do they work?这个小社区的人们不仅担心。
14、These topics can make them feel relaxThey don#39t like being askedquotwhat#39s your job?quotorquothow is your salaryquotThey think chatting is relaxing,there#39s no need to talk about work Attention。
15、Where do they work? why do you do so。
17、询问别人的职业或者做什么工作时,经常使用的英文疑问句是?下面是我给大家整理的他是做什么的英文翻译,供大家参阅!他是做什么的英文翻译 What does he do?What#39s his job?What kind of work is he doing?What is。
18、汉语原文 她是做什么工作的?英语翻译 What does she do?What#x27s her job。
标签: #他们的工作是什么百度翻译英语