
EnglishTutorship 223 0

1打开excel表格,然后输入某段英文或者其他语种,在工具栏将默认的quot开始quot切换至quot审阅quot2在审阅栏下我们可以看到quot翻译quot选项,点击之后就会在表格的右侧弹出一个信息检索的窗口 追答 3通过鼠标左键选中然后点击翻译的方式。


n 个性, 品质 字符 人物 名誉 地位 adj 剧角色代表某一特性的 这里做“角色”之意 Nor does he “sit well of firmly on the horse”他也不是“在马背上牢固地坐好”附firmly adv 坚固。


意译I went to a group activity, quotSensitivity Sundayquot which was to make us more aware of the problem faced by disabled people We were asked to adopt a disabilityquot for several hours one Sunday Some。

你好 翻译如下 Young adult filmmakers all hope to show their works in international festivals like Sundance and Toronto But what about really young filmmakers who aren’t in film school yet and aren’t。

quotSweet dreams,quot said Sarah#39s mum at bedtime one night quotI don#39t know why Mum always says that to me and where dreams come from,quotthought Sarch sleepilyShe was still thinking when her magic bed whispered。


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