Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
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Exercise 4
Theabove chart clearly reflects the number of students among different age levelswho have psychological problems to some degree. The older the children are, themore psychological problems they suffer from. Approximately 65% of the studentsbetween 17 to 19 years old have psychological problems, which is the highestamong all the four age groups.
Thereare two major reasons to account for this phenomenon. To begin with, asstudents, they face much pressure from both parents and teachers, who alwaysplace a great deal of stress on their children’s grades rather than theirpsychological health. Second, being lonely and confused is the typicalcharacteristic of the students for most of them are the only child in thefamily, with no sister or brother to share their ideas, even their frustratedfeelings in life and schooling.
Frommy perspective, the psychological problems among the students should not beneglected and some urgent measures should be taken so as to improve the severesituation. First of all, teachers and parents should provide more guidance tothe students and often encourage them so that the students will gain moreconfidence, which in turn will be helpful in both their study and life. Inaddition, the students should make more friends, thus they can share theirfeelings with others of the same age. Only in these ways can the students growhealthily and have a promising future.
Exercise 5
Thetwo graphs reflect the current condition of middle school students taking partin physical exercises. As is demonstrated in the pie chart, as much as 65% ofthe students do not take physical exercises, while those who do account foronly 35%. As for the objective reasons influencing the data, a lack of fieldand equipment is supposed to be the dominating factor, accounting for up to53.9%. What is revealed in the charts is thought-provoking and deserves ourdiscussion.
Thecauses responsible for this phenomenon can be elaborated as follows. First ofall, due to the fact that the number of students in schools is large, but thespace is limited, a lack of infrastructure is condemned as the major cause forinadequate sports among students. What’s more, the heavy pressure from study isconsistently invading student’s spare time to do more sports. Other reasons exist.For example, some of the students simply do not know what kinds of sports aresuitable for them.
Asfar as I am concerned, measures should be immediately taken. First of all,middle schools ought to strengthen the construction of infrastructure in orderthat students could be free to take physical exercises. Besides, students mustbe relieved of their academic pressure and knowledge about sports should bepopularized. Only in these ways can the students build up their health.
Exercise 6
Thebar chart above reflects the sources of CO2 emission. As is demonstrated in thebar chart, as much as 50% of the CO2 comes from vehicles, which is the largestsource, and the second largest source of CO2 is factories, which accounts forabout 32%. Another source that can not be neglected is smoke, taking aproportion of about 5%. What is revealed in the chart is thought-provoking anddeserves our discussion.
Thereare many reasons responsible for this phenomenon and the following are the typicalones. First of all, the most important reason is that due to the improvement ofpeople’s living standard, the consumption of private cars has increased. What’smore, the inflation of the population also contributes to the phenomenon. Lastbut not least, the government’s neglect also plays a role in this case.
Asfar as I am concerned, measures should be immediately taken. In terms of thegovernment, laws and regulations should be established to control the emissionof CO2 and the factories that offend the emission limits will be punished. Onan individual level, we should take every effort to save energy and lead alow-carbon life. Only in these ways can we have a more brilliant future.
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