
EnglishTutorship 207 0

第一篇现在,我很苦恼我买了一本英语书,可是我不知道它的意思我一点也看不懂我想,也许我要好好的学习英语只有这样我才能学会很多知识,才能看懂英语和别人交流我要对自己说一句加油!I was depressed because I。


初二英语日记范文1It was sunny today I was excited I got up at a quarter to seven I made a appointment to meet at nine orsquoclock After I had my breakfast, I went to the Wanjia Market。

the city of Sidney held the 27th Olympic Games Over one hundred countries all over the world took part in it We won 28gold medals that year China, a major sport country, will hold the 29th Olympic。


八年级上册英语日记带翻译篇一 The summer vacation is coming I will do my homework first so I am going to do my homework every morning In the afternoon, I will play basketball and table tennis with my。

英语初二带翻译日记篇1 201X年X月X日 晴天 I used to hate others to laugh at me, because I thought they were looking down upon me My friends said that I was too serious and couldnrsquot be made。

1 I went shopping with Li Mei We left at 10 o#39clock in the morning When we got to the downtown, there were so many people It was so crowded as it was a beautiful day and it was Sunday I。

初二英语日记80词带翻译篇一 20 晴 I live very happily today! In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants。

初二英语日记带翻译1 2009, July 20 I went to summer camp on vacation On the first day, we went to a beautiful beach It was a sunny and hot day, so we went swimming The water was warm。

一天即将完结,你有什么总结呢这时候,最关键的日记怎么能落下快来参考日记是怎么写的吧,以下是我精心整理的八年级暑假英语日记,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧八年级暑假英语日记1 Nowadays with the development of。

八年级暑假英语日记60词带翻译篇一 I have a small bedroomThere are only a small bed,a small desk and a small chair in the roomAnd there is a beautiful doll on my blue bedEveryday I do my homework。

多姿多彩的暑假生活即将结束,你写好暑假 日记 了吗?初二暑假英语日记怎么写呢?下面是我为大家精心挑选的初二暑假英语日记,希望对大家有所帮助初二暑假英语日记篇一 August 7 2010 Yesterday we played happily, but。

1 日记帮你写了一篇,但是请你参考,不要原搬照抄其实很多地方换一下词就是你自己的文章了2 作为一个英语老师,你的这种做法我不赞成,希望你能自己努力多看书多做练习网络固然和方便,但是学习只有方法。

初二英语日记100词一 Today I got upearly because my family planed to go to the countryside and do something interestingWhat a fine day today! After breakfast, we drove to the village It is a small。

正因为如此,我写英语日记都是在早上八点但在过去的晚上我还是要在晚上写任何人,如果你能完成这项工作得很快,不要偷懒,尽自己最大的努力16This holiday is my best busy holiday for I am learning English, computer word。

你还在为英语 日记 而烦恼,其实写一些英语日记也是可以增加自己的词汇量的,让自己的英语水平上升下面我为你带来初二英语日记内容,希望对大家有所帮助初二英语日记80字带翻译篇一 201X年X月X日 星期X 晴。

标签: #英语日记八年级