
EnglishTutorship 326 0



It was, as I have said, a fine autumnal day, the sky was clear and serene, and naturethat rich and olden livery which we always associate with the idea of abundwore ance The forests had put on。

In my heart, my father is a great man, he wakes up early and goes to work, in the event, he goes home late He is working so hard, all he does is for the family and to support my education。

my teacher, I love you侯老师是我的高中英语老师她的英文名字是珍妮她看起来是如此的瘦弱,好像一阵强风就会把她吹走她个子不太高,约150厘米她在英语教学方面是很有经验的她教了我三年换句话说,她是。


标签: #英语作文20字