1、英语日记一祝妈妈生日快乐Happy Birthday to My Mother Today is my mother#39s birthday She is 40 years old, she is very beautiful I use my pocket money to buy a small birthdaycake, and I make a bir;英语日记网上有很多优秀范文,但只有自己掌握才是真本事分享免费的欧美外教一对一试课给大家,跟着外教学习丰富的英语知识免费领取,外教一对一精品课程,点击蓝字即可免费领取外教课一节在阿卡索,每天都有25分钟时间;有人说写英语 日记 用处不大吗,但我相信每天写一篇英语日记对于改善我们的写作水平是大有裨益的每日一记,下面由我来给大家带来英语日记50词带翻译 范文 英语日记50词1 I went to my new house to my;上岸后,遇到了一些外国朋友,与他们打招呼,有英语和他们交谈,他们夸我们的英语说的好我们和他们成为了朋友 这一天,过的真开心呀日记五 2008年3月2日 今天是双休日,我在家里写作业,咳今天的风好舒服,我犹如;现在的英语越来越普及,随着英语的不断深入,英语作文变得越来越重要,下列是一些高中英语日记100字带翻译,供大家参考高中生英语日记100字范文1 Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt my;On July 20, sunny Get up early today is very hot, hot feeling uncomfortable Breakfast mother let me accompany her to go shopping and I didn#39t go Because it is too hot, move feeling on the finger to。
2、英语 日记 可以帮助我们养成用英语思考的好习惯如果我们坚持练习,我们慢慢地学会用英语表达我们的想法每日一记,下面由我来给大家带来英语日记50词左右15篇英语日记50词1 Today I found time was a cruel thing;他们提出的各种面孔,我们也谈到了一些外国客人的英文现在是午餐时间,当我们回到家里我真的有一个美好的今天英语日记范文42篇200807shtml;关注 展开全部 去这个网吧 里面都是英语日记 你把它复制一下 再把日期改了就行了 已赞过 已踩过lt 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 更多回答1 其他;假期的英语日记范文篇2 July 6 20XX It was the first day of our summer holiday All of us were very happy Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do We are freeAlthough we have;英语日记范文1 Yruesday January lst Sunny It#39s New Year#39s Day today This morning when I got up, I heardsomebody singing a love song It was mum! Ifelt very strange because Iknew mum didn#39t enjoy popular songs。
3、篇一英语日记 Different people have different lifestyles They do the same things from morning to evening every day Usually, they write their plans paper But sometimes they remember what things they will do in their;解题思路可以把自己在空闲时间里做的事情写出来,注意写英语作文时,要注意时态,单词不要写错,范文如下As a middle school student, I don#39t have much free time, but I still have a lot of things to do作;I should give a half to them and the rest would be my pocket money in one year“what!” I shouted具体的范文模板链接 ?pwd=jhxp 提取码 jhxp。
4、下面是我帮大家整理的初一英语日记的范文通用15篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧 初一英语日记1 Today is Sunday,its sunny This is a beautiful garden Some children are playing in the gardenThey are very happyYou can;英语日记范文7WhenIbegantolearnEnglishinGrade5inprimaryschoolwhenIwasinGrade7;英语日记50词1 I went shopping with Li Mei We left at 10 o#39clock in the morning When we got to the downtown, there were so many people It was so crowded as it was a beautiful day and it w。
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