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Every one wants to keep healthy today, especailly our students But we don’t pay attention to our health Some of them go to school without breakfast in the morning Some students and pupils play computer;很多人,当他们来到大学,没有意识到他们的饮食是多么糟糕,直到他们开始获得了臭名昭著的“新生15”这里有一些任何人都可以遵循的步骤或变得更健康但它知道你只需要几秒钟,也许如此有用年前人们说健康是不生病但现在。

通过花时间与我的朋友,我可以让我的心灵以及身体开心这些东西听起来容易做,但没有多少人可以管理他们我认为坚强的意志是必要的,如果我们想要保持健康中学生关于健康的英语作文80词;are healthy foodsI hope you will be healthy如果你想保持健康,你必须多做运动例如,你可以打篮球,打网球,跑步,游泳,跳舞你必须吃更健康的食物来保持健康豆腐,洋葱,鸡肉,鱼是健康的食物我希望你是健康的。

保持健康英语作文篇1 1饮食You should eat three healthy meals every dayYou shouldn#39t eat food with lots of sugar,oil and fat because they are not good for your healthDon#39t eat too much junk food;try not to eat what the body has no intention of going to sleep at 9 hours a day Therefore, more exercise and food on our study help我有一个健康的生活方式 大家每天早上持续做运动 每天一个苹果也有益自己。


关于健康的初中英语作文篇一 As human beings,health is the most important one factor for us to take into considerationWithout a strong body,we can not study and work wellWhat^s more,we will be less energ。

你必须吃更健康的食物来保持健康豆腐,洋葱,鸡肉,鱼是健康的食物我希望你是健康的 如何保持身体健康 英语作文 How to keep healthy如何保持健康What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is healthYou can。

we should know that health is the most valuable human很多人们已经意识到健康的重要正如衣物御寒一样,拥有健康也是人类生存的必要条件之一,而它却往往被忽视这是我保持身体健康的秘决充足的睡眠,早睡早起健康饮。

to keep healthy 如果想保持健康,均衡的饮食很重要你最好吃足够的蔬菜,因为它包含丰富的维生素适量的肉类也是需要的避免油炸和烤制食品 有规律地做一些运动也很重要,比如说跑步或者打打羽毛球保持好的情绪对心理健康。


写作思路根据题目要求,可以以生活中某个相关事情作为主题,最后总结自己的感受Every one of us should keep healthy, because health is the foundation of our activities我们每个人都应该保持健康,因为健康是我们活动的。


you can also do at home or even at your seat Just try to move your body when you think about being healthy人如其食,这真是至理名言 如果想要保持健康,你吃什么很重要每天喝原味的牛奶或早上喝蜂蜜水。

保持健康的英语作文篇一 That are words of wisdom If you want to keep healthy, what you eat is quite importantDrink plain milk every day or drink some mixture of water and honey every morningEat less r。

What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health世界上最重要的事情是什么?我认为这是健康You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive But。

First we must eat healthily We should eat meat, vegetables, fruit and other kinds of food Taking exercises is also very important, it can help us build a strong body If you don’t like sports you。

you must do more everciseFor example,you can play basketball,play tennis,running,swimming,dancingYou must eat more healthy food to keep healthTofu,onion,chicken,fish are healthy foods要想真正掌握英语这。

Advice on stay healthy Recently people are more focus on work than health and it is wrong To stay health is the basic requirements for good workHere are some advice for healthFirst, Don#39t get to slee。


标签: #英语作文健康提议60词