
EnglishTutorship 237 0

1、In this weekend,I have a plan,if tomorrow is a sunny daySaturday morning,I am going to visit my grandparentsafter lunch I have good friends and I go to the movies and footballAt night,I can stay;Monday to Friday中文我家有四个人,他们分别是我爸爸,妈妈,姐姐和我我爸爸是个工人,他每天都骑摩托车上班我妈妈是图书管理员,她骑自行车上班我姐姐和我是同一个学校的学生,星期一到五我们都走路上学;Lu Xun said quottime is like a sponge in the water, as long as you like crowded, there are some quotSo we should manage your time well, most efficient thing to do For example, on the bus during the。

2、Management of your time can allow for work, rest, leisure, and social activities你的时间管理可以让工作,休息,休闲和社交活动 It isn#39t necessary to become a quotworkaholicquot just because you manage all of your time它;I like playing guitar, so my father buys me a guitar for fun It is very funny Then my mother asks me to have guitar class She thinks to learn more skill is good for me I start to have guitar;首先,最重要的是要了解我们之前是如何度过和管理我们的时间只有用这种方式我们才明白我们已经浪费我们的时间了我们可以通过整理我们每天做的事情,然后选出必须做的和浪费时间的事情Second, after the first step, what;时间是一个很特殊的概念,他无法储积,无法取代,更无法失而复得因此我们要学会去分配和管理时间,管理时间不是要把所有的事都做完,而是更有效的把握运用时间做你真正感兴趣与自己人生目标一致的事情我发现我的“;写作思路及要点审清题目,确定中心,选择材料1 Learning a foreign language cannot be interrupted for a day If there is really no time, even squeeze out ten minutes every day The morning is a good。


3、时间管理英文time management英文time management音标美ta#618m#712m#230n#618d#658m#601nt时间管理是有效地运用时间,降低变动性时间管理的目的决定什么事该做,什么事不该做时间;我认为有许多方法可以管理好我们的时间首先,我们应当设定一些可实现的目标保证这些目标是理智的,激励的,可达到的以及现实的例如,我们在两年的时间内上完需要的练习课程并且达到目标分数第二,我们可以制定有效的计划;7 写一篇英语作文 Busy with work, how efficient use of time 你经常说,“我想这样做,但我没有时间?” Learning to manage time is a problem for many people学会管理时间,是很多人的问题 Employers, employees, students。

4、到了假日,我和爸爸去了自己家的那片田尽管草木丛生,十分杂乱,但定神细看下,其实里面充满了形形色色的生物,一片生气蓬勃我慢慢的往田园深处走去,突然发现一棵奇特的树木,上面似乎有着和鸟一样的羽毛我慢慢的;For military experts, cherishing time is victory红军向金沙江飞渡,日夜行军,其目的是争取时间,争取胜利The purpose of the Red Army#39s flying across the Jinsha River and marching day and night was to gain t。


5、Remember that time is more valuable than money点评作者强调了时间的珍贵性,并劝告每个人应尽可能多地利用时间多做些事情,不要养成懒惰的习惯 论点虽然有些道理,但不够全面,将看电影等娱乐放松活动当做无用的浪费时间之事,似乎;TIME 时间篇 来自625html At twenty years of age , the will reigns at thirty , the wit and at forty , the judgment Benjamin Franklin ,American president。


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