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Selfcontrol is like in my body, I don#39t have not discouraged, I will continue to work hard today, tomorrow#39s a change, will play a role, as long as their hearts forever remember what you#39re doing;Very important filial piety One of the best and see its own parents treat Person first filial我的改变我变了吗,真的向目标进步了吗这么多的问号很显然我的改变是自己没有看到的为什么改变如此之难,一个;现在,我是一名初三年级的中学生这也是初中的最后一个学期因此,近年我必须努力学习,因为我想要在中考取得好成绩从这个学期起,我比以往起得更早了,因为我想多做一些阅读午饭过后,我也花一些时间在学习上我经常。

篇一我的变化 My Changes Now,I am a middle school student in grade nineItrsquos also the last year of middle schoolTherefore,I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in the;energetic and easygoing我已经改变了很多我过去矮小但现 在我比以前更高更瘦我过去懒惰,我不喜欢做家务但现在我是一个勤奋的人,我经常帮助父母做一些家务,如打扫房间,洗碗,做购物等我觉得做家务可以帮助。


am a middle school student in grade nineIt’s also the last year of middle schoolTherefore,I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in the senior school entrance examFrom this s;我之前很爱睡懒觉,到了六年级了,马上升初中了我要改变这种坏习惯,努力学习,考上好初中可以翻译成,I used to love to sleep late, to the sixth grade, immediately into the junior high school I want to;My change我的变化I have changed a lot in the last few years 这些年来我变化很大Many years ago很多年前, I was in primary school我还在上小学 I was very outgoing我很外向 But now I am。

我是一名即将毕业的初三学生初中三年来我发现我变化很大以前我长的很瘦很小很可爱现在我变胖啦,长高了,变成熟了以前我总喜欢看电视,现在我却喜欢一个人呆在一个安静的地方看书以前我的性格很外向,现在我;译文我不敢相信这是我高中的最后一年在过去的几年里,我和学校都发生了很大的变化我记得我第一天走进这所学校时,大门是敞开的,但现在外面有更多的保安英文作文技巧1一句话用不同的句式来表达 为了加强同学们;我的变化 My Changes As I learn more and grow up gradually, I change in many aspects My teachers say I study harder and my parents say I am more sensible than before As for me, I want to learn mo。

My Changes As I learn more and grow up gradually, I change in many aspects My teachers say I study harder and my parents say I am more sensible than before As for me, I want to learn more in;现在的我,喜欢运动,我常常放学后和同学们去打篮球因此我变得又高又壮了我也喜欢阅读经常去图书馆读些有趣的书良好的习惯助我学习一臂之力,身体也变得更加健康了我的父母和老师都为我的改变而感到欣喜。

回答如果你是个女孩子原创 我曾经是一个懦弱的女孩 I used to be a weak girl 我并不擅长交际 I am not good at communication 以前同学们在一起玩耍的时候我只能在旁边远远的看着 后来,我学会了勇敢的;The change of my life My life has changed a lot in the last few yearsI used to be shy and with very little confidence,because I was not learning too well in schoolI was the lowest rank in my cla。


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