
EnglishTutorship 172 130

per day, and you#39ll get more fit easily by thatThat#39。

英语作文有1People always confuse about the meaning of happiness, they donrsquot know how to define it 人们总是对幸福的意义感到困惑,他们不知道如何去定义2Once I read the story that the little eagles needed to practice flying in the cliff before they could fly曾经我。

除了这些,我还帮助邻居家的孩子做功课我帮他们读英语,使他们的口语有所提高他们的父母为此很感激我20My summer plan During this summer I’m going to learn how to type on computer My father is a teacher and he has to type exercises for his students to do He is very busy I want。

一My family I love my family,because I have a happy familyMy father is an English teacherHis name is JackyHe is thirtyeightHe likes playing basketballWhat’s my mother job?Is she a teacher?Yes,you’re right!My mother is very kind and nice,she is thirty。

下面给大家分享一些关于介绍自己家庭的 英语作文 通用20篇,希望对大家有所帮助 介绍自己家庭的英语作文1 Holle,my name is Zhang HuiThere are three people in my famlyMy father, my mothr and II haven#39t any sister or birtherMy father is a workerHe is thirtyseven years oldHe is。

急需20篇40字英语作文 #xE768 我来答 5个回答 #热议# 如何缓解焦虑情绪? 留下一片林322 20120807 · TA获得超过178万个赞 知道顶级答主 回答量59万 采纳率0% 帮助的人31亿 我也去答题访问个人页 展开全部 1It was the first day of our winter holiday All of us were very。

我的学校英语作文 篇1 I have a school, Its nice and big Its name is Sha He School My school is bigThere are fourtytwo classroom in my school, There are many trees in my school There is a big playgrund in the school I often play with my frinds on it There is a big。

初二英语作文范文1 Last day off , I had a great time, In the morning, I got up very early, after eating breakfast,I went to Wenzhou Zoo and saw some seals , sharks and dolphin’s show I bought some souvenirs Then I went out playing basketball with my good friend Jim for one ho。

写作点拨可从自己的学习方面思想方面以及日常生活方面来写,例文如下 I like English I think I can share my English learning methods with you First, cultivate interest in English My method is to watch foreign movies 我喜欢英语我觉得我可以和你分享一下我的英语学习方法首先,培养对英语的。

20150902 谁能给我提供十篇英语作文,不限类型字数最好控制在4050 7 20121202 求英语作文对新学校的看法150词左右,要原创的可以发到 24 20111215 求一篇英语作文,考试用的,内容如下所列有效时间今天下午1 2 20121222 求一篇感谢信英语作文,120字左右,发我邮箱。

rains quietly The rain moistens滋润 the trees and the flowers I think they may say, “We’re very thirsty The rain is very good It can help us” What a beautiful scene! Don’t you think so? And what about your favourite season,could you tell me?我就有5篇。

楼主你好 第一篇THE NEWSPAPER 报 纸 Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it It supplies us with a variety of news every day It tells us the political situation of the world If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall will。

我想要初一的英语作文20篇,言简意赅,每一篇要不一样,最好是描写暑假生活的 1个回答 #热议# 蓝洁瑛生前发生了什么?资料杂货店 20100901 · TA获得超过4385个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量233 采纳率0% 帮助的人198万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1What fun I had last。

1I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year Playing basketball is always my favourite, so some of my clas**ates and I will form a **all team and play basketball together Sometimes we may have a match against some other teams and I do enjoy the **n。


邀请信英语作文模板20篇 1个回答 #热议# 上班途中天气原因受伤算工伤吗?蓝韵文化传媒 2 小时前 · 致力于推动文化传播内容创作 蓝韵文化传媒 向TA提问 关注 展开全部 邀请信英语作文模板20篇 邀请信英语作文模板一 Dear ___, Therewill be a ___资料atin ___地点on___时光We wou。

my dream小学六年级英语作文通用20篇 在现实生活或工作学习中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文说明文应用文议论文一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?下面是小编帮大家整理的my dream小学六年级英语作文,欢迎大家分享 my dream小学六年级英语作文 篇1。

7 今天早上我跟同学去看了我们老师Jones小姐是我们的英语来时她对每个学生都很好他花了很大力来帮我们提供我们的英语我们去了她的公寓,一起吃了午餐我们过的很开心I 8 今天晚上我去电影院看了电影影片教功夫熊猫我喜欢这部电影很有趣可我也学到了一些东西我们不应该轻易。


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