
EnglishTutorship 86 104

一开头句型 1As far as is concerned 就而言 2It goes without saying that 不言而喻,3It can be said with certainty that 可以肯定地说4As the proverb says, 正如谚语所说的,5It has to be noticed that 它必须注意到,6It#39s generally recogniz。




告示类应用文如通知启事便条等常用以下句型开头So and so hashave the pleasure to announcenoticeSo and so isare requested to note thatSo and so takes pleasure in announcing thatSo and so hashave the honor to announceYour attention, pleaseMay I have。

按比例基本就是作文三十分 大学英语四六级考试从一开始起就一直采用短文写作这一题型作文是一种对语言表达能力的考试,是一种直接考试只要题目出得好,作文对考生书面综合运用语言能力的测量最准确效度最高作文作为一种题型,最难搞应试培训,也难搞题海战术要提高学生的作文分数,唯一途径是。

products exhibition, for a week, the company set three exhibition booth, product popular with customers, there are five US companies and we signed the sales contract, our products in the American market has a the prospect of customers, we provide good aftersales service hope。

英语A级考试题型分值如下1 听力理解20题,每题1分 2 语法结构15题共15分 3 阅读理解,36到45每题两分,46到60每题1分 4 翻译,61到64每题两分,65题7分 5 写作15分 语A级考试通过技巧一听力 在三级试题当中,只有12道听力选择题目,但多数同学由于有以下辨音问题。

总的来说,可以得出结论5 In a word, it is important for us to总之,重要的是我们要以上是一些常用的英语A级作文万能句子的开头和结尾,它们可以让文章更加流畅,更加有条理但是,在使用这些句子的时候,也要注意灵活运用,避免过于机械地套用,才能写出一篇更加优秀的英语作文。



Yesterday, the weather was good, cloudless My father and I went to the military are playing Ski Resort We wear gloves, hats, armed to come to the ski slopes Ski resort built on a hillside, looking ahead, the white snow everywhere Built on the hillside like a long white。

Your addrressDear SirMadam,I bought a MP3 player at your place on Date , but lately, I found it making noises when playing Since it#39s still under warranty, I#39d like to ask for freeofcharge repair Please inform me matters in relation to postageYours sincerely X。

尊敬的 XX先生女士您好衷心感谢您长期以来对我们酒店的关注与支持我店定于X月X日举行今年的平安夜的酒店年度餐会,诚挚邀请您的参加同时也希望您能在餐会上表演一些自创的节目谢谢Honorable XX Sir ladyYou be nice!Express sincere thanks for your attention a long time to our。

MISSSIR,it is linwang from ? company and i would appreciate you help to send me some informations as follow1,the way to the destination by bus? and how much per person? is there any discount?2,to celebrate 2nd anniversary, around 30 staffs in our company will take。



标签: #英语a级常见的作文题型