
EnglishTutorship 125 0

we shouln#39t be afraid of making mistakes We can learn from our mistakes so be confident and don#39t be shy when we learn Engllish Secondly, try to speak English as often as possible Learning English takes take so we should read English everny morning because our brain;repeat the principle is even more important I remember a repeat function in everyday English, which is to allow you to continue to repeat, repeat, and will record your voice, you can find their own gap in repeated repeat the process英语有句谚语quot重复是技能之母quot你可以回忆一。

Secondly, reading original English articles and listening to English materials which correspond to the English proficiency, which is the best way to learn the authentic English and can help you to think in English way第二,阅读和听一些与水平相符的英语原著和听英语材料是真正学习英语的;学英语对我来说真是很难两年前,当我开始学习英语时,我听不懂老师用英语说的话然后我就看电视上的英语节目,这对我帮助很大后来我发现,听不懂老师说的每一个词也没关系还有,我上课不敢开口讲,而且我还造不成完整的句子于是我决定做更多的说和写的训练我上课记了好多语法笔记我。

As a high school student, I consider English a very important subject In order to learn it well, apart from English class, I took an active part in English corner and other afterclass English activities, which benefit me a lotIn the English corner, I meet many friends;First of all, learn English step by step It is no use listening to anything beyond your level So don#39t choose too difficult materials Secondly, stick to one series of textbooks Work hard at them until you master them Finally, listen to English programs over the radio eve。

english is very important for useveryone wants to learn it wellmy english is very goodhow do i learn english?first,i listen to the teacher and make notes carefully in classi revise my old lessons and prepare my new lessons after classsecond,i like speaking english withmy;dairy, but you should insist on this I am sure that your can write a beautiful composition after insisting on writing English dairy for one yearEveryone has one’s own experience, hope my experience will help you to learn English敲字好累纯个人经验希望对你有用。


that time, my English was very poor When I became a middle school student, my mother got back from Australia She asked me to watch English movies and TV programs, listen to English songs and practise speaking English with herNow, I do one unit of the reading exercises in。


Hello everyone,today my topic is how to study English,I#39m glad to stand here to share my experience with you大家好,今天我的报告主题是如何学习英语,我很开心能站在这儿与大家一起分享我的经验 ps 如果是口语报告的话就可以这样开头English is the world#39s common language。

read English materials and patience are the most significant如今,英语已经成为国际标准语言由于中国正在迈向国际化,学习英语变得越来越重要但是许多人发现很难学好英语根据我自己的学习经验,我觉得决心,阅读英语材料和耐心是最重要的First of all, doing everything needs。

How to learn English English is very important for us Everyone wants to learn it well My English is very good How do I learn English?First, I listen to the teacher and make notes carefully in class I revise my old lessons and prepare my new lessons after classSecond。

果然,在期末考试中,我的英语成绩明显提高,得到了老师的表扬此后,我就更加用心了,爱上了英语,爱上了这门独特的语言久而久之,我的英语水平不断提高,成为了班里的英语尖子生,考试测试都不在话下The students asked me why I like English so much and can do so well in the exam。


I#39d like to share some of my experience in learning English with youI have learned English when I was ten years oldI like English very muchAt the beginning,I learned the basic words and sentences with teacher and TVThen I read easy articles in English booksEnglish is a。

I think a good English environment is very important for us to practice our spoken English Sometimes I speak English with my husband at homeI have never given my English up for so many years even though I don#39t use English much in normal life and work, I often read。

标签: #分享英语经验的英语作文