as an old saying goes,正如一句古老的谚语所说2be nothing but 不过就是3from where i stand 从我的立场来说4give oneself a chance to给某人一个机会去5i feel sure that我坚信6is the best way to make sure that确保的最好办法是7we。
英语模板对于基础不好的同学是救命稻草,对于基础好的同学提前固定好思路便于考试的时候精准打击,所以,背诵一些英语模板是非常必要的下面,我在这给大家带来 英语 作文 模板句式,欢迎大家借鉴参考!英语作文模板句式1 一用于开头的 句子 1There are many different opinions among people as。
初中生要想取得高分英语作文,一定要注意平常的积累,下面我为大家总结了初中英语作文 万能模板 句子大全,仅供大家参考开头句型 1 There are different opinions among people as to ___ Some people suggest that___关于___人们有不同的观点一些人认为___2 There is an old sayi。
1 We #39 re often told that But is this really the case ?我们经常被告知 但事实真是这样吗2 People used to however , things are quite different today 过去,人们习惯 但 ,今天的情况有很大的不同3some people think that Others believe that the opposite。
1 You asked me about problem question等, now let me give you some advice你在来信中询问我,现在,让我给你一些建议2 号召 3 现在,很常见,很多人都喜欢,因为,另外和4 Please write to me soon5 最近,问题已引起人们的关注6 I am glad t。
标签: #初一英语作文模板以及万能句