
EnglishTutorship 42 0

1 My Mother My mother is a housewife She is a nice and hardworking woman She can cook very well My mother is also very gentle She loves me and seldom scold me When I did something wrong, she will tells me and teaches me on how to do it correctly I love my。


新东方强力推荐英语十大必背范文 1致辞 Directions Write a speech on the opening of a conference of no less than 120 words In your speech you should1进行自我介绍,2详细介绍大会内容,3结束语 Good morning ladies and gentlemen wele to Beijing! To begin with I would like to make。

Although home cooking is timeconsuming and following washingu p tiresome, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs 英语四级作文必背万能句子 一用于作文开头的万能模板 1Many people insist that 很多人坚持认为 这句话乍看没亮点,但将众人皆知的quotthinkquot换为quoti。

下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助 12021年12月大学英语四级写作万能范文 题目要求 Directions For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter in reply to a friend’s inquiry about Plan after graduation You should write at least 120 words according to the。

#四六级考试# 导语天再高又怎样,踮起脚尖就更接近阳光英语四级备考开始了,坚持下去,你是最棒的以下是 无 为大家精心整理的2021年6月大学英语四级作文参考五篇,欢迎大家阅读 篇一宿舍生活 On a Harmonious Dormitory Life Dormitory life is an indispensable part of coll。


标签: #英语四级十大必背范文