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Yours,Wang Ming 翻译1亲爱的大卫,我很高兴你会来北京学习中文中国是非常有益的,许多外国人正在学习,现在这很难为你,因为它是相当的英语不同你要记住尽可能多的中国话同样重要的是做一些阅读和写作你可以。

#英语资源# 导语英语考试作文试题的一个的特点就是时限性,即在有限的时间内一般分配30分钟按试题要求完成作文试题有很多参试者最后交卷时作文题要么没有完成要么质量比较差,这其中当然有很多原因,但不可忽视的一点原因便是写。


part A my family rules英语作文一In order to help me grow healthily, my parents make some family rules First, we must honest to others Honesty is the basic character of a person Second, we shoul。


高中英语 作文大全 1 The Family Plan has been adopted for several years, most of the young generation are only child because their parents follow the governments policy Over more than 30years, most fami。

很多同学考试的时候被英语给难住,不能取得理想的成绩更有许多同学提笔犯难,根本不知道如何下笔,下面我就给大家整理了英语作文的范文,快点看看吧 英语作文范文一 Almost everyone has an idol in their hearts Some。

高中英语作文1 Time always passes quickly In the blink of an eye it has to end Now the burden is more and more big, the pressure will continue to increase With one family expectations I don’t。

标签: #优秀英语高中作文范文30篇