
EnglishTutorship 339 0

01 冬奥会







At the 2022 Beijing Olympic Games, athletes from all over the world challenged themselves and pushed beyond their limits. To make their dreams come true, they never gave up. Their spirit of pursuing dreams is worth respecting and learning. I have learnt a lot from them, especially never giving up.

Everyone has a dream. My dream is to be an English teacher. Firstly, I like English. I want to use it often in my daily life. Secondly, I like working with students, and enjoy being asked questions and answering them. Thirdly, I'm good at English. So I can teach my students the right ways to learn English.

Now what I should do is to study hard and get high marks in English tests, and try to practice speaking English as much as possible. I think I would be a good English teacher, and I would be nice to my students.

02 劳动教育

日前,中共中央、国务院印发《关于全面加强新时代大中小学劳动教育的意见》(A guideline on hardworking spirit education),提出了中学生应该树立劳动最光荣、劳动最崇高、劳动最伟大、劳动最美丽的劳动精神。英语报纸以此为主题举行英语征文比赛,请你根据下面提示,写一篇英语短文,向其投稿,谈谈你对劳动教育的看法,并提出建议。


1.Your opinion about the Guideline. List at least two reasons.


2.Activities: a. What housework do you usually do at home? b. What out-of-class activities do you take part in at school?

3.Your advice to students about how to develop hardworking spirit.






A guideline on hardworking spirit education came out recently in order tohelp more students of different ages to get working spirit.

As a middle school student, I welcome it warmly. The hardworking spirit education is necessary and it helps to build us up. I usually do housework at home, like tidying rooms, washing clothes or cooking some dishes. I also take part in out-of-class activities such as planting trees or growing vegetables to enrich my real-world work experience.

In order to develop hardworking spirit, we should have hardworking spirit classes to learn some basic life skills at school every week. We should try to form good working habits and value the importance of working hard through our experience.


03 疫情网课












My opinions on having online courses

After having online courses during the vacation, I'd like to say that I prefer studying at school to studying at home.

Firstly, I can be more focused when I am at school. While studying at home, I can't help playing computer games. Secondly, I can communicate with my classmates and teachers more directly. I can share my happiness with my friends face to face. I can ask the teacher questions at anytime. Thirdly, it's healthier to study at school than at home. We don't need to look at the electronic products for a long time and we can relax ourselves on the playground.

No matter which way we use, at home or at school, we should listen to the teachers carefully and study hard.

04 建党100周年






It is in difficult times that heroes are born. They step up and bring people hope and confidence.

Zhong Nanshan is such a hero. In 2003, when SARS hit China, he volunteered to treat patients. When the novel coronavirus hit Wuhan in 2020, he again went to the front line. He was already 84, but he still went there to deal with the dangerous virus. He was also the first expert to tell the public that the virus can go from person to person. Soon he came up with a treatment plan that saved many lives.

Zhong once said, The hospitals are our battlefield. When we are needed, we should charge forward. He has given Chinese people confidence in winning this fight.

05 社会实践


提示词语:good at, sing, dance, help


1.How old are you and where do you study?

2.What's your hobby?

3.What can you do for the children?


Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Li Hua. I'd like to be a volunteer at the International Children's Home.

I'm a girl of 15 and study at Yuying Middle School now. Singing and dancing are my hobbies and I'm good at playing the piano. More importantly, I'm good with children and like playing with them. As a result, it will be no problem for me to get along well with them. Also, I'm outgoing and I can teach them to sing and dance and tell them interesting stories. I'm sure we will have a good time together.

I'm looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua


答题技巧 | 英语:七选五这样做,基础差也能得满分!

考点梳理 | 英语:这些选择题你都能做对吗?

知识归纳 | 英语:定语从句专项复习

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