
EnglishTutorship 155 0

范文一感谢信 Dear Professor Liang,I am writing to extend my gratitude to you Because of your help,now I am a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney UniversityLast June, when I applied to become a。

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必背高考英语作文范文五篇 一importance of English The importance of English rests with the language being used in most countries in the world as a communicating tool For example, a German and a Chinese。


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范文 Dear Mum and Dad, How are you doing ? I’m writing to you about my gratitude for your having brought me up and my future plan Dear Mum and Dad, I am already 18 years old, which shows that I have grow。

高考必备的英语作文 篇1 As the economic level keeps increasing, many people would like to travel abroad But there is a survey shows that China is one of the five worst tourist nations which include India。

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