很多朋友会问如何进行英语作文批改,那么我们应该如何进行英语作文改错,将英语语法修正,进行英语作文润色呢?可以通过浏览器快捷的解决方案 步骤1打开浏览器,点击顶部的拍照搜索 2切换到“英文批改” 3对准纸面上的作文按下中间。
AI Grammar这个英语语法改错app还不错,差不多是国内第一款自制的语法改错软件吧,支持苹果和安卓手机,暂时没有PC端动词时态转换主谓不一致冠词代词连词名词错误都可以自动纠正,总体来说精准度比较高,有的还提供语法解。
适合小白的软件批改网,句逗网,这两个可以,检查语法,单词,注册一下就行,免费的 适合老手的软件 1 Linggle Linggle 由台湾国立清华大学开发的一款强大的语言搜索引擎,可以帮助学习者快速准确地检索英文惯用语和搭。
个字元,并以1700种模式识别英文错误2ComposAI 实时检查语法,检查拼写,检查标点符号错误,善于发现复杂。
英文改错 1 Problems with the new data management software showed up soon after it was删 launched2 In other words, grammatical metaphor examined in the semantic model can#39tcouldnot be viewed as the。
01 我们给自己批改英语作文的时候,首先应该选择一只不同颜色的笔,这样改起来就会更加的醒目,而且我们在纠错改错的时候也就会更容易更方便,更直观的看见我们的错误02。
may stay加上at one place for a long timeAll kinds of these things we can meetall kinds of these things放在这 in our lifeSo ,we need have good habits to relax ourselfourself ourselves。
they ignore the importance of knowledge and they are out of mind in the class In the end of the semester, they choose cheating as a way to pass the exams Another group works hard on their stu。
In my opinion, the most valuable personal quality of a university student is passion, which can not only help him keep up a good momentum of studying the expertise, but also stimulate him to be involved in。
Good morningI#39m glad to be here to introduce myself My name is Shang Yun, and I am a seventeen year#39s old girl I#39m from China and studying in Luqiao High School My interests include。
标有数字部分为修改部分 I#39m glad that you 1write改为wrote a letter to meIn your letter,I knew you wanted to buy a cellphoneIn my view,I don#39t think you 2have改为had better to buy a。
第二段最后两句写成 However, home cooked meals are healthy while canteen meals are not第三段 they both very改成they are both very第三段 is popular around改成are popular with 第三段 home cooked meals is。
My grandma influence me a lot influence用原型肯定不对,奶奶健在吗在的话用三单,不然用过去式或现在完成时,现在完成好些I have spend spent 过去分词a lot of time with my grandma and grandpa Even。
robot我不认识,你是想说rabit兔子反正按您的意思吧 My pet robot I have a pet and you may think it is a cat a dog or a bird and so on 怎么改怎么觉得有问题 But I am sorry to tell you。
标签: #英语作文改错器在线