
EnglishTutorship 208 0

in life We are supposed to face it bravely and even we should give thanks to it我自己写的,比较长,不知道你是几年级,中间三段可以合并成一段的,你可以缩写一下,或者就取每段第一句话组成中间一段;你自己写个中文故事,然后google翻译出来,稍做修改,万事大吉。

I was not a smart girl when I was young From my grandfather, even to my mom, there is nobody like me in my big family小的时候我并不是一个聪明的女孩我们的大家庭,从爷爷甚至到我的妈妈,喜欢我。



关于”我的宠物仓鼠“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目My pet hamster以下是关于我的宠物仓鼠的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译,供您参考 范文1My pet hamster I don#39t think it#39s easy for my pet to sleep with a。

类似以上题目的作文题目都可以套用“家乡城市”这样的短文如要改成“My Plan for Summer Vacation 我的暑假计划”这样的作文,将第一句改为“My summer vacation plan is to visit handan ”将最后一句改为“I Hope。

第一 A bird#39s nestA bird#39s nest is often characteristic of the species of bird that constructs it For example, some birds prefer to build nests on tree branches, while others build nests in small。

给你几篇参考一下,自己修改 1 我有一个不好的毛病,就是粗心特别在数学考试中粗心了,会把考试分数考的十分低,有一次把原来考试题目中的宽为直径的圆,竟当成考试题目中长为直径的圆,更让我后悔的是,我还在当时。

Dear SirMadame,I’m writing for more information about the day tour to LondonAs a student at Oxford University, I’d like to know if you have any special price for students As for the money you。

quotLast Weekendquot这个题目的英语作文可以从以下几个方面写 活动安排描述自己上周末做了什么,比如去了哪里旅游参加了什么活动等等 体验感受分享自己在活动中的感受和体会,比如欣赏美景结交新朋友学到新知识等等 与家人或朋友相。



1、My summer holiday I like the summer holiday every year Last summer I went to Beijing for my holiday, Beijing is our capital city I went to the Summer Palace, climbed the Great Wall and went to many。

2、本文中,我为大家整理了一些任何题目都可以套的万能英语句子,快来看看吧高中英语作文必背万能句 图画类写作模板 开头部分Look#8194at#8194this#8194pictureThe#8194picture#8194shows#8194that。

3、第二 My name is Lihua,i#39m seventeen years old nowFrankly speaking,my English is quite good and i have two years experience of being a tutorI#39m a member of our school#39s quotloving heartquot clubIn my。

4、I am best at的英语作文,随便什么都可以 I#39m best at football Because it#39s good for us I often play football with my friends after school I want to be a good football player in the future So I must。

5、不能太过于追求复杂句型,作文扎实最重要你就用not onlybut also之类需要倒装的句型都很好我今年高考,作文28分,满分30实话说,作文重要的是不要出错,字写好。


6、quotMy biggest problemquot这个题目的英语作文可以从以下几个方面写 问题描述介绍自己最大的问题是什么,比如学习上的困难人际交往的问题情绪管理的问题等等 影响分析谈论这个问题对自己的影响和危害,比如影响学业影响心理健康影响。

标签: #任何题目都可以套的英语作文