
EnglishTutorship 1.1K 0

1、My favorite social networking platform is quotwechatquot, which is now recognized as the most popular mobile phone software and an indispensable part of people#39s life The reason why wechat is popular with the pu。

2、Nowdays,there many apps on our smartphone,them help us to deal with the problem we met in daily lifeTake myself as an examplemy fovorite app is baidizhidaoWhen I was troubled by some problmes,I al。

3、1 想要写英语作文要软件 One day morning, Luo Ming got up to school very late,then she wanted to ride her bike to school, unfortunately she found her bicycle is out of order, so she had to fix the。

4、maybe you once was been frustrated by waiting in line in bank, you complained the very low efficence of bank but if you use Taobao app, all will be quick and simple you can take it as a private。

5、mobile phones help avoid people travelling long distance to get to know the things in person Secondly,we can send messages by mobiles with little money,just 001 yuan for each short messageThirdly, we can。

6、中小学生英语作文大全app2017626 329KB下载内容简介中小学生英语作文大全app是一款非常实用的学习应用软件,汇集了海量优秀作文,学生们可以随时在线阅读,还可以搜集写作素材哦 天天练作文辅导app2017621 3MB下载内容简介天天。

7、Whenit comes to online shopping, different people holds different ideas towards itSome people seem extremely enjoy the way of buying things online because theyfeel online shopping is so convenient Some just don。

8、First and foremost, mobile phones serve as a communication tool They enable us to make phone calls and send text messages to anyone, anywhere in the world With just a few taps on the screen, we can。

9、Charles Babbage,an English mathematician,is considered to be the greatgrandfather of the computerOver 150 years ago,in 1840 to be exact,he invented a sophisticated calculating machine,and called it the quot。

10、此外,社交软件只是我们交友聊天的一个平台,我们的学习工作等都在现实生活进行,因此,我们必须提高自身的社会交际能力There are so many false fraud information that it is easy to spread With the promotion of。

11、Many years ago, credit card was believed to be the great improvement to facilitate people’s life, since then, people didn’t have to carry the paper money at hand, a card could pay the billNowadays。



13、你去应用市场搜索“英语作文”即可找到一大堆,我也是英语学习爱好者 一直在一款英语微视频课堂,很不错,每天坚持听13节 在地铁等人的空隙就能搞定 提升不少你也可以找一款适合你哈。



16、iphone是很多人喜欢的一个牌子,那么关于iphone你知道多少呢?下面我和大家一起,学习介绍iphone的 英语 作文 ,一起来了解iphone吧 介绍iphone英语作文篇一 In 2007, Apple introduced the iPhone, which instantly became one of the。


标签: #介绍一款app英语作文