
EnglishTutorship 191 0
















  主持:京晶 外籍嘉宾:Judy


  (Nick | Canada)

  Top of the World





  Imagine you have literally nothing you must do. Like you’re on a permanent holiday in your own neighbourhood. Nothing that you have to do to move forward, to develop. No need to pursue a career, no reason to work hard, no motivation to learn something new. You don’t even have to get out of bed to find something to eat. Everything has been taken care of, so you don’t have to do A-NY-THING…

  Boring, isn’t it?













  In this story, we follow an ordinary, not poor and not rich man, who gets a peek into the life of some people that are so rich that they don’t know what to do with their time and money. Although it is true that having enough money can contribute to being happy in several ways, having too much money only brings loneliness at the top.






  The elevator was dark wood panelled and the doors were covered in gold leaf. Madison Avenue; top of the world. Mike knocked on one of the doors in the dim hallway. A thin girl wearing tight jeans and an even tighter black tank top opened the door. Her eyes, covered with eye shadow, seemed as though they peered out from two cavernous holes in her face.


  Mike quickly brushed past her without any sort of salutation. As I walked up to introduce myself, she turned her back to me and followed Mike. “Mike, did you bring me my cigarettes?” she whined.

  迈克快速地与她擦身而过,连一句寒暄都没有。当我走上前打算做自我介绍时,她转过身背对着我,朝迈克走去。 “迈克,你把我的香烟带来了吗?”她用抱怨的语气说道。

  I looked at the elaborate decorations of the house; the paintings, the marble busts... The entire floor of the apartment was lavishly covered with an immaculate white carpet. The kitchen was at least twice as large as any room in my own house. I thought that these kinds of apartments were merely myths.

  我看着这所公寓里精致的装饰品——油画、大理石半身像......整个公寓的地板上 铺满了洁白无暇的地毯。厨房都至少是我家最大房间的两倍大。我觉得这样的公寓简直是神一般的存在。

  Panelled(verb, from: to panel) /'pæn?ld/


  Gold leaf (noun)


  Madison Avenue (noun


  Dim(adj.) 英 /d?m/ 美 /d?m/


  Peered(verb, from: to peer)

  英 /p??/ 美 /p?r/ 窥视;


  (adj.) 英 /'kæv?n?s/ 美 /'kæv?n?s/


  Marble busts(adj. +noun)


  Lavishly(adv.) 美 /'læv??li/



  英 /?'mækj?l?t/ 美 /?'mækj?l?t/



  Mike stood by an industrial sized fridge and beckoned me towards him. As he rummaged through the fridge he tossed a pack of cigarettes from his pocket to the girl with too much eye shadow. She lunged fervently for the box and began to tear it open. Mike reached into the fridge and passed me a coke, while retrieving one for himself as well. “I’m telling you man this girl is so rich—Just look around!” he exclaimed. Mike spent the majority of the taxi ride uptown divulging exactly “how rich this girl was.”


  Natalie walked over to Mike and looked at me carefully. “He looks like an icky homeless guy” she said decidedly. “What’s his name?” she inquired. “Ben meet Natalie—Natalie meet Ben,” Mike said in a slightly restless way. Then he quickly took a seat in front of the television and concentrated on his video game. I smiled jovially at Natalie to show that I wasn’t annoyed, but she merely looked past me.


  Industrial sized(expression)


  Beckoned(verb, from: to beckon)

  英 /'bek(?)n/ 美 /'b?k?n/


  Rummaged through

  (phrasal verb, from: to rummage through)


  Lunged(verb, from: to lunge)

  /l??d/ 踢;突进;

  Fervently(adv.) 英 /'f?:v?ntli/


  Divulging (verb, from: to divulge) 英 /da?'v?ld?; d?-/ 美 /d?'v?ld?/


  Icky(adj.) 英 /'?k?/ 美 /'?ki/


  Jovially(adv.) /'d??uvi?li/



  I proceeded to sip my coke quietly as we both watched Mike play Nintendo. As we stared out into nothing my eyes drifted to Natalie’s; those black holes in her face. She looked up at me and for a split second, her eyes glistered, as if filled with tears. “Excuse me, I need a Perrier,” she whined, her eyes suddenly fixated on the wall.


  Mike ignored her, until a raspy voice called from the doorway. “Mike! You’re here, finally it’s been so boring here, let’s go somewhere!” she exclaimed desperately. This voice belonged to a girl wearing a tight blue dress with feisty green eyes. “Yeah, whatever, soon, just chill!” Mike said coolly. She entered, and I stood up to introduce myself, and just as I walked toward her she walked through me and sat in my seat at the table. “I need another cigarette. Pass them here Ashley” whined Natalie.


  “You know those things will kill you” I said teasingly. She abruptly turned to me and glared out from the black holes that were here eye sockets. She smoothly proceeded to take another cigarette out of the carton bringing it to her lips and slowly lighting it.


  For a split second (expression)


  Raspy voice(noun)


  Feisty (adv.) 英 /'fa?st?/



  Glared(verb) 英 /gle?/ 美 /ɡl?r/



  A small, black poodle pranced into the kitchen. Ashley picked up the dog and placed it on her lap; she took a drag on her cigarette, and subsequently exhaled a cloud of smoke into the dog’s face. The dog, assaulted, leaped down and retreated to the safety of her cage.


  A small grin slowly creeped across Ashley’s face. It was the first sign of emotion I saw from her all night. “Let’s get out of here, I’m like so bored just sitting here!” Ashley winced. “We could go to John’s house, I heard that he was gonna have people there” suggested Natalie. “Eww I really don’t like John, his house is so cramped and small” Ashley complained. We all sat in silence for a few moments until Ashley got up and proceeded to the kitchen door. On her way out, she gave Mike a small, cold nod. Mike stood up, and quickly followed her out of the kitchen. This left Natalie and me alone in the kitchen.



  (verb, from: to prance) 英 /prɑ?ns/ 美 /præns/


  Took a drag(expression)



  英 /'s?bs?kw?ntl?/ 美 /'s?bs?kw?ntli/


  Assaulted(verb, from: to assault) 英 /?'s??lt; ?'s?lt/ 美 /?'s?lt/攻击


  (verb, from: to creep) 英 /kri?p/ 美 /krip/


  Winced(verb, from: to wince)

  英 /w?ns/ 美 /w?ns/


  Cramped(adj.) 英 /kræmpt/

  美 /kræmpt/



  “So do they come by often?” I inquired. Her eyes remained fixated on the wall ahead of her as she answered me. “Meh, they just sorta show up. I don’t mind though; they are friends of mine” she said with a twinge of forced cheeriness in her voice. We sat in silence for several moments until Natalie went to her bedroom. I sat in the kitchen alone. I let myself out and took the elevator back to reality. I walked along the deserted Madison Avenue under the pallid glow of the street lamps overhead.


  Twinge (noun)

  英 /tw?n(d)?/ 美 /tw?nd?/


  Pallid glow(adj. + noun)



  The End























  " Monday with Nick“









  July 7.2 点击下图收听今日音频









  听写 英文版+中译













e, 闯堂兔爱吃西红柿,曾小婷,





嘟嘟,Young, Joey, Noah, 哈啊, Karen

校对| GP 学无止境

  Happy Monday, everybody. On this special Monday, one day after the birthday of Canada. Happy Canada Day to all of the Canadians. We are listening to the program and all of the Chinese who have visited Canada or lived there before will get to one question later in the free talk of somebody who has lived in Canada, in fact, lived in my hometown of Toronto. But first, let’s talk about the art of preservation. Over the weekend, my wife and I were lucky to have visitors come visit our small family here in Montreal. Two of my wife’s friends from China were now living in the USA, came to visit us for the weekend. And they got to explore Montreal, and I took them to kind of the old part of the Montreal, which looks very European style and I also took them to the Montreal China Town, which has a “Paifang” which is also known as like a ‘Palu” I believe “peilu” “palu”. It’s like a Chinese architectural arch, you can see this type of arch in like Foshan, which has a very famous Paifang called the, and I am sorry for mispronounce in this. Anybody from Foshan, please don’t be angry at me. It’s called Shuangfengshan park. And more of a memorial archy way gate, I think that’s the English translation. They have one of those in Montreal and it’s pretty cool. They got to have tried some Taiwanese bubble tea, you guys know these bubble tea, or I believe in Chinese, it’s Boba Naicha, it’s like , yeah , bubble tea. Anyway they got to try some of that in Montreal’s China Town and in the old parts of Montreal, they did a very, they’ve done a very good job at preserving the old buildings.


  我们先来探讨一下古迹保护的艺术。刚过去的周末,我太太的两位中国朋友来访,他们现居住在美国,想要感受一下蒙特利尔(explore Montreal)。我带他们去了蒙特利尔比较古老的颇有欧式风情的一些地方,去了唐人街,那里有中式拱门牌坊建筑(又名牌楼)。这种牌坊在佛山地区很常见,比如顺峰山公园的牌坊。他们也尝了台湾的泡泡茶,中文好像叫波霸奶茶,和泡泡茶一样。总之,带他们在蒙特利尔和唐人街感受了一下。在蒙特利尔旧区,古建筑都保存得很好。


  So preservation, what does it mean exactly? Well, it’s the action of preserving something, so the preservation of the city’s green space, or the state of being preserved, especially to a specified degree, and it got me thinking, you know, China is very good at preserving historical buildings, correct? One thing I miss a lot about Beijing is the Hutong culture, I just loved riding my bicycle through the Hutongs and kind of being stuck in time a little bit, you know, uh, thinking that you know thousands of years ago, people were walking this very street, you know, and these walls were here too. Of course the walls are not the same material, and that’s where preservation comes into place, keeping the you know traditional style look but not making it too, you know, obvious that it’s been reconstructing. So I think the preservation of culture in China is world class, I would say, I haven’t seen any other, uh, city or country that preserved its culture like China does, and my personal example is the Hutong culture. Do you guys know of any other cities in China or areas in Beijing or historical buildings that has been preserved very well? Tian’anmen Square comes to mind, and you know Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven, all of these places are very well preserved. Preserved. If you guys can think of anything, leave a comment in the comment section of Jingjing’s Wechat post. One of my favorite new style buildings that has like a historical touch to it is the Taikuli project in Chengdu. I’ve learned a lot about this project because actually my wife was the part of the interior design company that worked on that Taikuli project and I thought this architecture is very, very well done. If you guys haven’t seen the Taikuli building in Chengdu, I encourage you guys to just have a look, you know, search online and see for yourself , the pictures are great, it’s awesome, they’ve done over there. I haven’t been there in person, like I said, I am always scared to go to Sichuan, because of the spicy food, but I’m gonna go. I wanna go to Chongqing and Sichuan, but like I said, preservation, preservation. What you guys think of preservation and can you guys give me some examples of places or neighborhoods that are very well preserved.

  保存意为对某种东西保护的行为,如对城市绿地的保护,需要精确保护到一定程度的某种状态。(the state of being preserved, especially to a specified degree.)


  Speaking of preserved, I’ve preserved three questions from you guys this week, and three very, very good questions. We are gonna start with GP, who says:” Hi Nick, the World Cup is going on.” Oh, yes, the World Cup, everybody is talking about it , everybody is watching it, and I gotta tell you, it’s been an excellent World Cup so far, great games, great goals. These athletes are just wrold class, and that’s what you want to see on the world stage. So uh, the question is I have some questions about the World Cup. Do you like the World Cup? Which team do you like best? Which team do you think will win the championship? And how about the Canadian football team? Alright, so answer your questions from one to three. Which team do I like best? Em, well you know, I gotta be honest with you, I am not much of a soccer guy. Of course, my favorite player is Cristiano Ronaldo. I think this guy is excellent, what he does with the soccer ball is unbelievable. He’s just, em, a superior athlete, a great, great soccer player. He’s just world class, and there is always a debate between who is better, him or Messi, and I think Cristiano Ronaldo is good. So er, yeah, I think when it comes to the World Cup, it’s tough, because you always wanna cheer for your home team. And Canada hasn’t made the World Cup since I believe 1986, almost 14 years. So yeah uh, yeah, I don’t know. I believed in South Korea, so maybe South Korea was the team that I was cheering for. I lived in Asia, so maybe Japan was another team I was cheering for, you know I like to root for those underdogs, but let me ask you something. Why hasn’t China made the World Cup yet? Come on , guys, you can do it . Alright, I believe in you.Ok, so which team do you think will win the championship? I think Brazil will win this year, I think they uh, they were the favorites going into win it, and I thought, I always think that the best goalie, the team has the best goalie usually win. So I think the Brazil has the best goalie. How about the Canadian football team? Not very good, however, we are hosting the 2026 FIFA World Cup with the USA in Mexico, so hopefully we get a spot in that World Cup. but great question, and continue watching the World Cup, it’s great, One thing I have noticed there is a lot of Chinese advertising, have you guys notice that? Almost all of the advertising is Chinese companies. So good on them for putting their companies on a global platform. Somebody who works for advertising, I noticed these things. So, Jiayou, Chinese companies.



  Viola Liu makes us return to the question section, she says:” Hi Nick, I saw the film the Big Short.” Great, great movie. It’s about American subprime mortgage crisis, so I wonder if Canadians want to invest. What would they pick? Could you walk me through what kind of typical investment is made in Canada? And I hope to receive your answer. Well you are gonna receive it right now. Well, regarding the context of the movie, the Big Short where they being the banks, we’re giving out subprime mortgages to anybody and everybody who asked for one. Canada has been a little bit stricter on giving out these loans, giving out these mortgages. So uh, it didn’t really hit us that hard. None of our major banks are collapsed like the Lehman Brothers did. But I can’t speak for the majority of Canadians on what they typically like to invest in, but I’ll tell you what I personally like to invest in and they just came to Canada this week. Actually, I am in a process of moving some funds over to this, this company for investment. And it’s the company that was started by John Bogle. Bogle is BOGLE, and Warren E. Buffet calls him a super hero for investment firms. He runs a company called Vanguard, it’s like mutual funds, but they are kind of like index funds. In fact they’re called ETFs, Exchange Traded Funds. And if you got a little bit of time, Viola Liu if you are really into this stuff, just check out what ETFs are. Check out what Vanguard is doing, that’s uh, one thing that I will be investing in, and now they are in Canada. So yeah, John Bogle, a pioneer for ETFs. I hope this answers your question, and I am leaving you with a little bit of homework to do, so let me know what you think of this ETFs, these index funds. Let me know what you find, I am curious to know.

  Viola Liu让我们回到回答问题的部分,她说,“嗨,尼克我看了那个电影《大空头》,真的,非常棒。是关于美国次债危机,所以我很好奇加拿大人如果想要投资,会有什么选择。你可以告诉我可以在加拿大进行哪一类投资吗?我希望能得到你的答案。好吧,你马上就能收到。好吧,关于电影《大空头》的竞争,那是银行他们将次级抵押贷款发放给任何想要贷款的人。加拿大在发放这些贷款,发放这些抵押贷款方面做得比较严格。所以,它并没有对我们造成太大的打击。我们所有的大银行都不会像雷曼兄弟银行那样倒闭。但是我不能代表大多数加拿大人说他们通常喜欢投资什么。但我会告诉你我个人喜欢投资什么。他们这周刚到加拿大,所以我正在把一些资金转移到这家公司进行投资。这是一家由Jone C Bogle创办的公司。Bojle是B O G L E .沃伦巴菲特称他是投资公司的超级英雄。这家基金公司称他为“胜利卫士”。这就像自然基金,但像指数基金。事实上,他们把ETFs叫做交易所交易基金。如果你有一点时间,Viola LIU,如果你真的喜欢这个,去看看ETFs是什么,看看Win Guard在做什么。那是,我正要投资的一件事,现在他们在加拿大。是的, Jone C Bogle, ETFs的先驱。我希望这能回答你的问题,留给你一些家庭作业。让我知道你对ETFs的看法,指数基金。让我知道你资助他们什么。我很想知道。

  And finally our final question, comes from Cindy I believe it’s the first time I hear from Cindy, so another first time come to leave a question for anybody who is till shy to leave that question. I strongly encourage you to fight your shyness, and overcome by asking a question that will be read right here on a next free talk. So Cindy says:” Hi Nick, I am writing to you from Beijing, I would like to express my appreciation for your great free talk show. Well, thank you Cindy, and once again, the reason I do it is because of you guys, and these comments like this. Thank you very much making me feel very very good on this Monday morning, Ok, so I’ve learned a lot from you and I used to live in Toronto for 3 years, about 10 years ago. She says:” oh my god, it’s been 10 years .” Yeah, time flies, right? Everything there seemed to me like yesterday. My question today is when you moved back to Canada, is that hard for your wife to get used to it? If yes, what’s her biggest challenge there? It’s a great question, Cindy, and you know my wife and I have had countless talks about this. You know, trying to communicate, trying to work out problems, because there have been problems. And I believe that the toughest thing for her is, ok, let me put it into this context. You know when you work in very very fast and then you forced to slow down for whatever reason, you just need, somebody needs you to slow down, but you’re just so used to work in fast, that’s kind of how it is for my wife’s life. Her entire life has been in fast pace Beijing life, and in Canada it’s a little slower. You know, it’s not as fast as in Beijing, especially in Montreal, people might say you know what, Nick, Beijing’s traffic is slower and stuff like that, but still with more traffic you spending more time on the road. That means before and after you hit the road or you commute to work, you gotta rush because you gotta beat the traffic, you gotta get on time so you gotta leave earlier, which gives you less time to get ready, which gives you more pressure to go faster faster and faster. Oh here, traffic you know isn’t that big, there aren’t that many people, the competition isn’t that strong. So you really forced to slow down and I’ve been forced to slow down too. I wanna get projects done right away, I wanna get another client here, I wanna get another customer there But you can only go out on a certain speed, if you’re going too fast, you are gonna get caught, you know. I think this is like ,for example, speed limit of life in Beijing was, let’s say 200, well the speed limit of life here in Canada is like 80. So imagine you are going 200 in 80 zone, it’s just too fast. It’s hard to really understand this, you know. Why don’t people want to go faster? Why don’t people want to do more? Why you know, it’s just like , this is the way of life here and I believe once she becomes used to it , becomes used to the lower life style. She’s gonna appreciated it, you know. She’s going to take time to appreciate you know the peacefulness, you know , less worrying, you know , less being in a rush, because you know, I certainly have although I do miss the competition of Beijing. Because I am a competitive guy. Cindy I hope this answers your question. The biggest challenge is the speed of life, that’s plain and simple how it is. And that’s it for the free talk this week.



  Cindy,你的问题不错,很棒。我们遇到生活上的问题,真的是说也说不完,譬如交通问题,当然我们也尽量想办法解决。我确信,对我妻子而言,已是很大的挑战了。好了,比方说之前你的生活节奏非常快,你必须高效工作。但是呢,突然因为某些原因你不得不停下来,慢生活。这就是我妻子遇到的挑战吧。之前,在北京工作和生活,节奏非常快,但是在加拿大,特别是蒙特利尔,生活节奏很慢,当然是比不上北京快了。我这样说,有的听众就会讲了,尼克,你要知道,北京的交通拥堵会导致效率很慢呀,你要消耗更多的时间在通勤上。这也就意味着在上班前或下班之后,你要花费更多的时间在路上呀。所以为了能准时上班,你要快人一步,赶在交通拥堵之前,你必须赶早准备啊,尽早出门,你要更快,更高效,当然这会让人很仓促,很有压力。在加拿大,交通没有那么拥堵,人也没有那么多,你却被迫要慢下来。但是我想立马做成个项目,即刻见个客户,但这都得要一定的速度下才可能实现。打个比方说,在北京的生活限速是200,那么加拿大的是80。比如你在限速80的路上飙到200,那就太快了,别人会不明白你为什么开那么快,为什么总要做那么多。这就是当地的生活方式。假以时日,等我太太适应这种慢节奏的生活后,我相信她会享受这种不那么担忧、不那么匆忙的宁静生活。作为一个有追求的人,我时不时也会怀念北京那种激烈竞争的日子,但我亦享受加拿大慢节奏的生活方式。Cindy,希望我回答了你的问题,就我太太而言,最大的挑战就是生活节奏的不同。本周的Free Talk就是这样啦!

  Guys have an excellent week. We are in a new month, we are in July, already in July. The seventh month of the year, we’re almost, in fact we are in the second half of 2018. And can you believe it, it feels like first half of the year flew by. Kind of like Cindy’s 10 years, since she’s been in Toronto. Guys have an excellent week, and I look forward to reading your comments , I look forward to reading your questions, and I look forward to speaking with you again in next Monday. So long, everybody.







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  译文:英语PK台 | Billy












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