
EnglishTutorship 39 0


  小组讨论部分(Discussion)的主题为“ pets on campus: the importance of protecting animals (校园养宠物:保护动物的重要性)”,这一部分要求两位考生就指定话题进行讨论,讨论时间为三分钟。这部分是考试的重点内容,检测考生用英语进行连贯的口语表达能力以及传达信息、发表意见、参与讨论和进行辩论等口语交际能力。那么接下来,我们来看一下就“校园养宠物”这一主题展开的讨论中常用的一些表述,供各位考生进行参考。


  Student A: Nowsdays, there are some discussions about adopting pets on campus, some hold that this behavior will help protect animals, while others argue that in view of the fact that the main purpose of students is to pursue their knowledge, they should not adopt pets on campus. I agree with the latter and what’s your idea?

  Student B: I have something different to say. Students have more time in campus than working personnel in raising a dog or a cat. Therefore, the pets here will enjoy more care and they also can play with the students. In this way, we will protect these animals and in turn, adopting animals can help increase our compassion.


  Student A: What I want to say is that keeping pets in dormitory will make dormitory smell bad and cause noise pollution. Besides, pets can make lots of noise which is annoying especially at night. For other students who live with the owner, it is absolutely a disaster for they have to suffer from both the terrible smell and the disturbing noise.

  Student B: I may not agree with you. Campus should be somewhat pet-friendly, and students are really excited to see dogs and cats while they are walking along the road. Meanwhile, I think that pets are such a great way to relieve stress from their study.

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