
EnglishTutorship 32 0

1individuals,characters, folks替换people ,persons2positive, favorable, rosy 美好的,promising 有希望的,perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good 3dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill 有害的替换bad 如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换 eg。

1he desire for health is universal 开门见山2With the quickening pace of urban life and everincreasing presure,people in mounting numbers are suffering either physical or mental problems3It is generally believed that good health is the key to a happy life and a succes。

1 individuals,characters, folks替换 people ,persons2 positive, favorable, rosy 美好的 , promising 有希望的 , perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换 good 3 dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill 有害的 替换 bad 如果 bad做表语,可以有 be les。

The bell rang and the class was over The classroom became noisy Some students went out of the classroom I was just chatting with some of my classmates when Li Hong came to me She smiled and said to me, quotWhat#39s four minus four? Do you know?quot quotIt#39s zero That is。

一大学英语六级考试作文万能模版 1原因现象型 With the development of science and human civilization, many formerly unimaginable things come into reality Some of them have positive effects on our life, but some are distasteful The phenomenon of ___ 主题现象 is an example of t。

As we all know, keeping healthy is important for every one of us We can’t be offered good jobs in the future if we are not strong enough So, how can we keep fit? In my opinion, we should try our best to do the followingI think you’d better take exercise every。

2022年6月英语六级答案第三套 六级作文部分 Writing more and more people take the delight to helping the needy 范文Currently in our society, it is quite prevalent for citizens to give a hand to those who are in need of helpApart from this trend, what encourages people is。

age,in presentday society,in comtemporary society 虽说是大学英语六级考试替换词,但每个词之间也有细微的差别,大家实际运用时要根据语境选择最恰当的词,相信一定会让你的大学英语六级考试作文增色不少,高分不再难!更多关于大学英语六级考试的备考技巧,备考干货,新闻资讯等内容,小编会持续更新。


模版1 some people believe argue, recognize, think that 观点1 but other people take an opposite side they firmly believe that 观点2 as for me, i agree to the formerlatter ideathere are a dozen of reasons behind my belief first of all, 论据1more importantly, 论据2。

一2019年6月英语六级作文真题第2套Directions For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words二2019年6月英语六级。

一2019年6月英语六级作文真题第1套Directions For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of team spirit and communication in the workplace You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words二2019年6月英语六级作文参考答案。

Under the take care of my mother, my eating habit is very regular I often eat porridge in the morning Sometimes my mother will prepare some pickles for me But sometimes I will put an egg into the porridge to have the egg porridge At noon, I will eat in school canteen。

大学英语六级关于教育的作文 礼仪教育很重要,为加强礼仪教育,家长和学校应该怎么做?下面是我整理的`英语六级作文,大家可以参考参考礼仪教育 题目要求How to Enhance Etiquette Education?1 礼仪教育很重要 2 现在许多大学生都不懂礼仪 3 为加强礼仪教育,家长和学校应该helliphellip参考。

对于作文,我说的最多的就是不走寻常路你不要以为在网上下载那些所谓的优秀作文,拿来背背,你就成为高手了,其实大错特错因为我看了之后也觉得一般,甚至有些拙劣,哗众取宠的味道,比如有的所谓优秀作文竟然还用什么be good at ,importance,very much,depend on,in my opinion 。

英语六级作文一直是考生重点关注的部分,也是考试的重难点,下面是,欢迎参阅六级书信格作文1 December 14th, 2013 Dear Sir or Madam,I’m writing to lodge the plaint about the poor quality of an air conditioner that I purchased from Sun Appliance panyFrankly speaking, Sun Appliance has。

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