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Although home cooking is timeconsuming and following washingu p tiresome, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs 英语四级作文必背万能句子 一用于作文开头的万能模板 1Many people insist that 很多人坚持认为 这句话乍看没亮点,但将众人皆知的quotthinkquot换为quoti。

参考范文1 As research shows, 70% to 80% of our lifetime is spent on certain kinds of communication, such as writing, speaking and listening Among these, listening is actually the most important techniqueThen why is it that listening is more important than talking? Firstl。

第一篇雾霾 Recently, the haze weather has increasingly been serious and this phenomenon triggers the widespread concern towards air quality In my view of the point,the best way to improve air quality is to tax the owner of private carThere are reasons accounting for my view。

2015年大学英语四级作文范文模板绿色消费 题目要求Green Consumption 1 绿色消费的概念在中国日渐流行 2 中国推行绿色消费还存在许多困难 3 如何养成绿色消费习惯,怎么样解决这个问题 参考范文SampleGreen Consumption The conception of green consumption has gradually become popular in China。

What I can not forget the first video screen, is one of the buildings have collapsed, this place was once a beautiful campus Collapsed in a pile of rubble, an immature in the eyes of Xiaolian It was a level of about 12 girls After a day of the burial, the little。

范文As is vividly depicted in the cartoon given above, we can observe that there are many students sitting in a classroom When listening to the teacher, one of the students just interrupts the teacher and says quot No offense, but by the time we#39re in the job market, won#39t。

Parttime Jobs for College Students Nowadays,more and more college students are taking parttime jobs On this phenomenon, different people hold different viewpointsSome people think afterschool work is beneficial to the students On the other hand, it helps cultivate indepenence in。



求四级英语作文范文?最新的,谢谢 5 #xE768 我来答 2个回答 #热议# 有哪些跨界“双奥”的运动员?沉默责任 20120310 · TA获得超过313个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量203 采纳率0% 帮助的人48万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1近年来很多名牌大学都会降低标准招收名人学生,一些人。

The impact of the Internet on learning Explain why education doesn’t simply mean learning to obtain information In the age of knowledge explosion, the Internet opens a magical portal for leaners to get access to seemingly incessant information But is information equal to knowledge。

作文题目一参观敬老院 Part I Writing 30 minutesDirections For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a news report to your campus newspaper on a volunteer activity organized by your Student Union to assist elderly people in the neighborhoodYou should write at least。

A Letter of Thanks Rosedale,California June 15,2012 Dear MrsMoore,You may be sure that I shall always continue to enjoy the week which I have just spent in your home with LouiseYou did everything possible to make us happyThe parties,the picnics,and the lunches were all so。

大学英语四级考试作文考前预测是最后冲刺时期很多考生的救命稻草,四级英语作文考前预测虽然有帮助,但是大家也不要赌上全部,该复习的还是要复习,基础打好才是王道新东方在线分享英语作文预测系列,大家看看,仅作参考题目要求Directions For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a。

四级英语作文范文 范文一 Protecting the Intangible Cultural Heritages 1保护非物质文化遗产很重要 2非物质文化遗产指的是3为保护非物质文化遗产我们应该Like tangible cultural heritages such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City, intangible cultural heritages like Peking Opera。

1There is no consensus of opinions among people as to some people tend to have a favorable attitude towardWhile, others have an unpleasant association with2 Recently, the issue of has been brought into public focus近来,___的问题引起了社会的广泛关注3 Recently。


请写出四级考试写作部分中书信的通用结构,具体到每句话的用途四级英语作文信件格式1抬头收件人的姓名 2正文三段式 3落款祝福yours sincerely+写信人名 英文书信的格式信封envelope英语的信封和中文的一样,有三部分组成,即发信人地址收信人地址和邮票信头heading,即写发信人。

标签: #四级英语作文真题范文